Sudáfrica: SA schools still battling racial inequalities

Sudáfrica/Junio de 2017/Fuente: Eyewitness News

Resumen:  Panyaza Lesufi dice que hasta que el desarrollo del maestro y la transformación en las aulas de Sudáfrica se prioricen, el sistema educativo del país no va a mejorar. El Departamento de Educación provincial está llevando a cabo una Lekgotla de tres días en Boksburg con el objetivo de analizar y fortalecer el sistema escolar con un enfoque en Gauteng. La conferencia, que reúne a funcionarios del sector educativo, universidades y empresas, tiene como objetivo mejorar el sistema educativo de Sudáfrica. Lesufi ha dicho a los delegados que todavía hay un largo camino por recorrer para asegurar que las escuelas ofrezcan educación de calidad. «Pero nuestro sistema educativo sigue siendo un café irlandés; Negro en la parte inferior blanca en la parte superior con una pizca de chocolates.

Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi says until teacher development and transformation in South Africa’s classrooms are prioritised the country’s education system won’t improve.

The provincial Education Department is currently holding a three-day Lekgotla in Boksburg aimed at analysing and strengthening the schooling system with a focus on Gauteng.

The conference, which brings together officials from the education sector, universities and business is aimed at enhancing South Africa’s education system.

Lesufi has told delegates there’s still a long way to go to ensure that schools deliver quality education.

“But our education system remains an Irish coffee; black at the bottom white on top with a sprinkle of chocolates.”

He says schools are still battling racial inequalities.

“To have schools that still resist the singing of the national anthem hurts me big time.”

Lesufi has urged officials to guard against classrooms resembling the apartheid system.


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