Uganda: Prof Mukiibi Condemned for ‘Fathering Children With Students’

Uganda/12 de Junio de 2017/Allafrica

Reseña: La Unión Nacional de Maestros de Uganda (UNATU) ha condenado en las «acusaciones más duras» las denuncias contra el último propietario de las Escuelas y Colegios de San Lorenzo, el Profesor Lawrence Mukiibi, a quien se le señala de ser padre de varios niños con sus propios estudiantes.

The Uganda National Teacher’s Union (UNATU) has condemned in the ‘strongest terms’ allegations against the late proprietor of St Lawrence Schools and Colleges, Prof Lawrence Mukiibi that he fathered several children with his own students.

UNATU secretary general, James Tweheyo, says it is unethical and professionally wrong for teachers to lead into temptation students placed under their care and protection.

Since his death, there has been wide spread condemnation against Prof Mukiibi, who succumbed to cardiac arrest last week. While the rumours of having sexual relations with his students have been around for some time, they gained even more credence upon his death when several young mothers and former students showed up at the burial with babies they claimed were Mukiibi’s.

«I will says that as an institution, that it is wrong for somebody entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of children to be the one to lead them into temptation. That is a very a clear position. It is wrong, it is not ethical, it is not professional, it is even religiously wrong. So, we condemn it to the highest level of it», Tweheyo said.

Tweheyo says if it is indeed true that the late Prof Mukiibi fathered children with learners placed under his care, his behaviour should be condemned with the contempt it deserves.

«The other day, the newspapers and everybody have been hyping Prof Mukiibi. But let me tell you, Mukiibi could have had his better side, but if it is true that he fathered all those children, from the learners he was supposed to take care of, it is wrong, it is ethically wrong, it is morally wrong, it is professionally wrong and it is wrong. We should condemn it and probably pray to God to forgive him», he said.



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