Vietnan: Shortage of teachers for children with disabilities

Vietnan/Noviembre de 2017/Fuente:

Resumen: Dinh Thi Thu Huong, profesor de la escuela Nguyen Dinh Chieu, dijo: «Además de las clases regulares, también proporcionamos otras clases, como habilidades para la vida y movilidad para estudiantes con discapacidad visual, entre otros. Normarly para la materia de movilidad, un maestro se centrará en un estudiante, pero tenemos que enseñar a 20 estudiantes a la vez «. «Actualmente una clase dura solo una hora. Creo que sería mejor si los niños estudiaran a tiempo completo. Espero que haya más maestros para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales «, dijo Ta Thi Thu Huyen, padre de un alumno. A pesar de haber sido capacitados con cursos de capacitación en educación especial, la mayoría de los maestros reconocen que existen grandes brechas entre las teorías y la realidad para cada estudiante. Pham Thi Kim Nga, director de la escuela Nguyen Dinh Chieu de Hanoi, dijo: «Los profesores deben equiparse con conocimientos sobre la psicología de los estudiantes con discapacidad visual. También se les exige que conozcan Braille «.» Esperamos que en el futuro haya más cursos de capacitación para maestros «, agregó.

Dinh Thi Thu Huong, a teacher at Nguyen Dinh Chieu School said:”Besides regular classes, we also provide other classes such as living skills and mobility for visually impairedI students, among others. Normarly for the mobility subject, one teacher will focus on one student, but we have to teach 20 students at a time.”

“Currently a class lasts only one hour. I think it would be better if the children studied full-time. I hope there will more teachers for visually impaired student,” Ta Thi Thu Huyen, a pupil’s parent said.

Despite being trained with special education training courses, most of the teachers acknowledge that there are huge gaps between theories and reality for each student.

Pham Thi Kim Nga, Headmaster of Nguyen Dinh Chieu School, Hanoi said:”The teachers have to equip themselves with knowledge about the psychology of visually impaired students. They are also required to know Braille.” “We hope in the future there will be more training courses for teachers,” she added.

Vietnam has only two departments of the Hanoi National University of Education and the Ho Chi Minh University of Education that provide special education training programmes, though they have very limited training quotas.

Deputy Director of Special Education Centre under the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences Nguyen Thi Kim Hoa said:”In some advanced countries, they have many specialists and effective models to learn from, however, it’s very difficult to apply in Vietnam. To help disabled children integrate into society, it’s necessary to have stronger involvement of the community, and family.”

To date, Vietnam has only about 3,000 specially trained teachers for visually impaired children. A lack of human resources in the field has hamstrung the nation’s efforts to help 75 percent of disabled people integrate into society by 2020./.


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