EE.UU: Boynton high school revamp plan may be hindered by lawsuit

SunSentinel/19 de abril de 2016/Por: Attiyya Anthony

Resumen: Una demanda pendiente podría lanzar una torcedura en el plan de Boynton Beach para reconstruir esta histórica escuela secundaria. Hoy martes, la Comisión de la Ciudad de Boynton decidirá si se debe proceder
con un plan de Arquitectos REG con sede en West Palm Beach y Straticon de construcción para restaurar el edificio ubicado en el 125 E. Ocean Ave. en el centro de la comunidad. Sin embargo, el equipo legal de la ciudad dice que discutir los costos y los ingresos potenciales del proyecto podría alargar una demanda pendiente. Esto se debe a que el demandante, que previamente tenía planes para el sitio, está buscando «daños monetarios por el lucro cesante que
cree que habría obtenido». Como parte del plan presentado recientemente por Straticon, la constructora invertirá $ 4 millones en el edificio, lo que permite REG Architects salvar la escuela de la demolición y transformarla en un punto focal de la comunidad para que sirva de sede a la mayor parte de arte de la ciudad y residentes de Boynton. En una reunión reciente, la Comisión Municipal pidió al encargado de la ciudad para solicitar los restantes $ 1.5 millones y $ 300,000 anuales durante 20 años necesarios para financiar la reconstrucción del edificio. El Alcalde Steven Grant dijo que la revisará los hechos: «Estamos tomando en cuenta toda la información que tenemos», dijo.»Estamos
recibiendo nueva información acerca de la escuela secundaria». Y agregó: «Se ha esperado más de 20 años, por lo que unos cuantos meses no van a afectar mucho más.»



A pending lawsuit could throw a kink in Boynton Beach’s plan to redevelop a
historic high school.

On Tuesday, the Boynton City Commission will decide whether to proceed with
a plan from West Palm Beach-based REG Architects and Straticon Construction
to restore the building located at 125 E. Ocean Ave. into a community hub.

But the city’s legal team says that discussing the project’s potential
costs and revenue could lengthen a pending lawsuit. That’s because the
plaintiff, who previously had plans for the site, is seeking «monetary
damages for the lost profits it believes it would have earned» had a prior
project gone forward, city agenda documents state.

In 2013, Juan Contin, of Boynton Old School Partnership LLC, presented the
city with a plan to turn the vacant school into a entertainment and
destination center. The city rejected the necessary zoning for the project,
because they didn’t believe that Contin could secure the $4.5 million to
renovate the building, documents show.

The company sued for a breach of contract.

As part of the recently submitted plan, Straticon Construction would invest
$4 million into the building, allowing REG Architects to save the school
from demolition and transform it into a community focal point that would
host most of the city’s art, senior and civic classes.

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At a recent meeting, the City Commission asked the City Manager to find the
remaining $1.5 million and $300,000 annually for 20 years needed to finance
the building’s redevelopment.

But the city’s legal team said that looking into the project’s finances
could jeopardize the case.

«That review was suspended» due to the lawsuit, the city agenda states.
«Should the commission direct that the fiscal viability of the proposal be
completed, the information generated in that review may be used against the
city if the court allows the pending lawsuit to continue.»

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Mayor Steven Grant said the he will review the facts.

«We’re taking into account all the information that we have,» he said.
«We’re getting new information about the high school and we’re not rushing
into it, whether it’s demolishing it or saving it.»

He added: «It’s waited over 20 years, so another few months is not going to
hurt that much more.»

The lawsuit has been dismissed three times and refiled. It will go back to
court for a hearing on July 11, according to city documents.

In other city business, commissioners will discuss disbanding the Veterans
Advisory Commission. Since its inception in 2005, the board honored
hundreds of veterans with monuments at Veterans Memorial Park, 411 N.
Federal Highway. City officials say that the city supports its veterans,
but disbanding the board will allow city staff to work on other projects.



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