Indian civil society, intellectuals’ silence most shocking: Mirwaiz

Source: Indian civil society, intellectuals’ silence most shocking: Mirwaiz

Resumen: Condenar las atrocidades que se realizó en la población de Cachemira, Hurriyat (M) Presidente, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Sábado denomina el silencio de la sociedad civil de la India y los intelectuales como muy lamentable y dijo que la India no era corto de las personas con visión positiva y que era su deber humanitario para expresar preocupación por la situación de Cachemira.

Srinagar—Condemning the atrocities being carried on the people of Kashmir, Hurriyat (M) Chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Saturday termed the silence of Indian civil society and intellectuals as most unfortunate and said that India was not short of positive-thinking individuals and that it was their humanitarian duty to voice concern over Kashmir situation.

The Mirwaiz told this to founder of the Art of Living Foundation, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar who called on the Mirwaiz at his residence on Friday evening were they held detailed discussions on the ongoing situation in Kashmir.

During the meeting, the Mirwaiz while praising contributions of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the social field said the ongoing situation in Jammu Kashmir was worrisome and the plans that the government was trying to implement in the state were anti-Kashmir and against the collective interests of the people.

Informing Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that peaceful activities of the resistance leadership of Kashmir were being curtailed through their arrests and restrictions on their movement and it had become a routine matter.

He said this was being done to cow down the people and alter the demographic and disputed nature of Jammu and Kashmir.

While talking about return of Kashmiri Pandits the Mirwaiz told the guest that Kashmiri Pandits were an integral part of Kashmiri society and that Hurriyat had always stood for their dignified return to the Valley so that they once again became part and parcel of Kashmiri social milieu. The Hurriyat chairman said it was unfortunate that even this humanitarian issue was being politicized by certain vested interests and an impression was being created that Kashmiri Pandits were not safe among Kashmiri Muslims which was far from reality.

Urging the visiting dignitary to inform the Indian public opinion about the real situation of Kashmir and clear their misconceptions spread by various media outlets of India with vested interests, the Mirwaiz said they never highlight the real Kashmir situation and instead mislead the people of India about the real issues, creating bad blood and misconceptions among them, which needed to be removed.—GK


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