Escenario global para los escritores de China

China/22 de junio 2016/ Autor: Mei Jia/Fuente: China Daily Asia


A pesar de ser relativamente nuevo en el mercado internacional del libro, los editores chinos están tratando de vender sus títulos a los lectores en el extranjero. Se han hecho notables progresos desde el proyecto de China Internacional del Libro se puso en marcha hace una década.

«Hemos desarrollado fans en el extranjero para obras chinas como libros por el premio Nobel Mo Yan, Hans Christian Andersen galardonado Cao Wenxuan y autor de ciencia ficción Liu Cixin son leídos,» Cui Yuying, subdirector de la Oficina de Información del Consejo de Estado, dijo en una conferencia de la CBI proyecto en Chengdu, capital de la provincia de Sichuan, a principios de este mes.

Los lectores de fuera de China han visto una avalancha de obras chinas desde el año pasado, en lugar de la aparición anteriormente dispersa de libros de qigong (ejercicios de meditación), cocina y Confucio.

El proyecto fue lanzado conjuntamente por la Oficina del Consejo de Estado de la Información y la Administración Estatal de Prensa, Publicación, Radio, Cine y Televisión en 2006.

Fue la primera de su tipo intento de «cruzar el río tanteando las piedras» para empujar los editores del país para competir y cooperar a nivel mundial, dice Cui.


Global stage for china’s writers

More books from the country are arriving on shelves overseas, as the China Book International project launched a decade ago comes of age. Mei Jia reports.

Despite being relatively new to the international book market, Chinese publishers are trying hard to sell their titles to overseas readers. They have made remarkable progress since the China Book International project was launched a decade ago.

«We’ve developed overseas fans for Chinese works as books by Nobel laureate Mo Yan, Hans Christian Andersen award-winning Cao Wenxuan and sci-fi author Liu Cixin are widely read,» Cui Yuying, deputy director of the State Council Information Office, said at a conference of the CBI project in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, earlier this month.

Readers outside China have seen a flood of Chinese works since last year, instead of the formerly scattered appearance of books on qigong (meditative exercises), cuisine and Confucius.

The project was jointly launched by the State Council Information Office and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television in 2006.

It was a first-of-its-kind attempt of «crossing the river by feeling the stones» to push the country’s publishers to compete and cooperate globally, says Cui.

«Then, we were unsure of where to go and how to go, but we knew we were going to offer opportunities to the world to read and understand China better,» she says.

The project sponsors translation and promotion fees for Chinese publishers and their foreign partners to render and publish Chinese titles overseas.

Its 38 members, including publishing groups, have sold the copyright of 4,375 book titles to more than 500 publishers from 70 countries over the past decade, almost quadrupling the 2007 figure of 1,132 titles, says Cui.

The initiators of the project have worked closely with 35 top publishing experts from foreign agencies and publishing houses.

Speaking of the progress the project has made, Cui says the change is not only in the numbers. She says Chinese publishers are now making bigger strides in the global market, and she sees more confidence at every level.

Li Yan, a vice-general manager of China Publishing Group, says the group sees internationalization as one of its key strategies. It has built a team of 50 professionals from scratch for international trade and cooperation.

«Formerly, we waited for foreign publishers to select what they would like to buy from us. Now we take the initiative and plan with them and for them,» Li says, adding that her group focuses on Chinese development, literature, arts and children’s books.

Li Xueqian, the president of the China Children’s Press and Publishing Group, says taking Chinese writers to international book fairs and working with world-renowned illustrators are key factors that helped Cao to win the Hans Christian Andersen Award.

The press has been promoting Cao and his works to a wider audience since the Bologna Book Fair in Italy in 2013.

He Zhiyong, who leads the Sichuan-based Xinhua Winshare Publishing and Media Co, believes the Belt and Road Initiative also offers an opportunity to reach out to a wider market.

His company has found success in developing partnerships with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative with regard to the novel Nirvana in Fire, which became a hit in Thailand earlier this year, following the phenomenal success of its TV adaptation, says He.

«About 70 percent of our copyright sales are in those countries. We see the prospect of going global in this way because it is in tune with the country’s strategy,» says He.

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