South Africa: Basic Education Dismisses Reports That SA Schooling Period Will Be Increased From 12 Years to 25 Years

Press release

The Department of Basic Education wishes to distance itself from a hoax news report which has been circulated on social media platforms such as Facebook stating that «South Africa plans to increase schooling from 12 years to 25 years». The report further claims that «Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga stated that 12 years is not enough, 13 more years will be added to the schooling period, starting next year».

The Department of Basic Education can confirm that these reports are fake, misleading and do not represent any policy position of the South African Government especially the Department of Basic Education. All official communication surrounding any policy changes on basic education will be communicated directly by the Department of Basic Education through its official channels.

For more information kindly visit or call the DBE call centre on 0800 202 933 or simply follow the department on its social media platforms Facebook: DBE SA Twitter: DBE_SA.

Issued by: Department of Basic Education

Fuente: South Africa: Basic Education Dismisses Reports That SA Schooling Period Will Be Increased From 12 Years to 25 Years


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