Nigeria: Govs urged to support education of visually-impaired

África/Nigeria/23 Julio 2016/Fuente:paxnigerian /Autor: Emma Elekwa

Resumen: Gobernadores de los estados del Sureste se ha impulsado para equipar la biblioteca para los discapacitados visuales para ayudar a competir favorablemente con sus homólogos.

Awka — Governors of the South-eastern states have been urged to equip the library for the visually impaired to aid them compete favourably with their counterparts.

A director in the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Emma Nweke, made the call while distributing teaching and learning materials to some selected schools in the zone in Awka, Anambra State.

He said the centre which was specially designed to cater for the needs of the blind had not received attention from governments in the area, calling for community based inclusive education where every person could learn under the same environment.

Nweke said: «This Braille library is set up to facilitate the education of visually impaired in the South- east but unfortunately, the governors do not know we exist. We need them to help equip this library. Not being able to see is not the end of life, they can still be useful to themselves and the society. We want inclusive education for them and full integration after school».

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