Ethiopia: China grants scholarship to 26 ethiopians

África/Ethiopia/06 Agosto 2016/Fuente: geeskaafrika/Autor: Girmachew Gashaw

Resumen:  Los ganadores de las becas serían perseguir su educación de aprendizaje en las mejores universidades chinas en la ciencia médica, el idioma, la ingeniería, la informática y otros campos de estudios que serían vitales para mover la industrialización del país. El gobierno de China anunció que concederá beca de postgrado de 26 estudiantes procedentes de universidades públicas.

The scholarship winners would pursue their high learning education in the top Chinese universities in medical science, language, engineering, computer and other fields of studies which would be vital to nation’s industrialization move.

The government of China announced that it granted postgraduate scholarship to 26 students drawn from public universities.

Handing out credentials to the winners at a ceremony held on the premises of the embassy yesterday Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia La Yifan said that over the year the Chinese government has granted 236 scholarship to Ethiopian students.

The Ambassador noted that human resource development is one of the pillars of cooperation with Ethiopia.

The scholarship winners would pursue their high learning education in the top Chinese universities in medical science, language, engineering, computer and other fields of studies which would be vital to nation’s industrialization move.

Representing the Ministry of Education, Dr. Zerihun Kebede said that China and Ethiopia have long standing relations which is being manifested in different forms of cooperation and support. This relations has gained momentum since recent years as the two sisterly countries have established a broader scope of bilateral relation and cooperation especially in the field of education.

He also said that the government of China is supporting the human resource development programme through long and short term capacity building schemes.

He said: «The government is grateful for the support the Chinese government has been providing which has immense contribution to our capacity building programmes.»

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