Finlandia: Media study on racism launched

Finlandia / 07 de septiembre de 2016 / Fuente:

A new study supported by the Academy of Finland will investigate the production and incitement of racism in the modern media environment.
The aim of the study is to examine how the discourses on racism are transmitted through different channels of communications, from Facebook to newspapers, and from country to country.
The joint project involves the University of Helsinki, the University of Tampere, and the Aalto University.
The study will deal with the mainstream media and the social media, as well as online materials and discussions, by combining methods of computer science and social science.
The researchers wish to, among other things, analyse the impact of news events and to understand the importance of Facebook’s news stream in the formation of racist speech.
The research will also seek to build tools to be able to reduce the expression of racism.
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