Oceanía/Fiji/16 de Septiembre de 2016/Autor: Serafina Silaitoga/Fuente: The Fijis Times On Line
RESUMEN: Ayer en el taller de Educación Parlamentaria en Labasa, 25 maestros de todo el norte se les enseñó las diferentes maneras que podían entender fácilmente los estudiantes sobre el papel del Parlamento. Vatimosi Delailovu, Gerente de Educación Cívica del Parlamento, dijo que uno de los módulos era tener dramas o juegos de rol de un Parlamento. Añadió que esto podría hacerse en las aulas para que los estudiantes entendieran mejor el proceso. Los módulos pronto estarán disponibles para que los maestros los utilicen en la enseñanza de los estudiantes sobre las funciones y operaciones del Parlamento.
Modules will soon be available for teachers to use while teaching students about the roles and operations of Parliament.
At the Parliamentary Education workshop in Labasa yesterday, 25 teachers from around the North were taught the different ways students could easily understand the roles of Parliament.
Parliament’s civic education manager Vatimosi Delailovu said one of the modules was to have dramas or role plays of a Parliament sitting.
He added this could be done in classrooms for students to better understand the process.
«So when students are watching parliament sitting on television, they have an idea of what is happening because they have been taught in schools through the modules we are preparing.
«This workshop is a parliamentary initiative program known as ‘Our Say Program’.»
The workshop, which is the second to be organised at national level is aimed at training educators to effectively approach Parliament Education with students.
Fuente: http://www.fijitimes.com/story.aspx?id=370760