EE.UU: Miami-Dade, Broward Schools: ‘Less Than Credible’ Threats Made Against Schools

 América del Norte/EE.UU./30 de septiembre de 2016/
Resumen: Las escuelas de Miami-Dade y Broward están trabajando con las autoridades policiales después de las amenazas que se han propiciado en otros estados de EE.UU. Las amenazas son similares a una cadena nacional de amenazas contra los distritos escolares, dijeron el pasado jueves las autoridades. Ambos condados Miami-Dade y Broward dijeron que están vigilando a cualquier actividad posible, asegurándole a los estudiantes, profesores y padres que no hay nada de qué preocuparse en este momento. En declaraciones por separado, los representantes de ambos distritos escolares reconocieron haber recibido amenazas, junto con varios otros condados y universidades del estado, que los que están trabajando en la investigación. La oficina del FBI del sur de la Florida también está trabajando con ambos distritos para investigar las reclamaciones y mantenerlos a salvo de cualquier posible amenaza.

Noticia original:

Miami-Dade and Broward schools are working with authorities after what they called «less than credible» threats were made against schools in South Florida.

The threats are similar to a nationwide string of threats against school districts, officials said Thursday. Both Miami-Dade and Broward counties said they’re keeping watch on any possible activity – but assuring students, teachers and parents that there is nothing to worry about at the moment.

In separate statements, representatives from both school districts acknowledged receiving what they called «less than credible» threats – along with several other counties and universities in the state, who they are working with in investigating the claims.

«In an abundance of caution, Miami-Dade Schools Police along with other local law enforcement municipalities are being extra vigilant in and around schools,» Miami-Dade Schools said in a statement.

South Florida’s FBI office is also working with both districts to investigate any claims and keep them safe from any possible threats.

«At all times the safety of our students and employees is our highest priority,» Broward County Schools said in a statement.

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