Sudáfrica: Minister to Engage Higher Education Stakeholders

Sudáfrica/Enero de 2017/Fuente: All Africa

RESUMEN: El Ministro de Educación Superior y Capacitación, Blade Nzimande, se reunirá con las partes interesadas en instituciones de enseñanza superior para minimizar las protestas violentas en los campus. Durante una conferencia de prensa el jueves en Pretoria, el ministro Nzimande dijo que durante las próximas dos semanas se involucraría con las partes interesadas para garantizar la estabilidad en las instituciones de educación superior. «Hemos establecido reuniones para involucrar a todas las partes interesadas, ahora mismo a principios de año, durante las próximas dos semanas … junto con el Viceministro y altos funcionarios del departamento», dijo. El año pasado, los estudiantes protestaron en algunos campus universitarios de todo el país exigiendo educación superior gratuita.

Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande will meet with stakeholders in institutions of higher learning to minimise violent protests on campuses.

Speaking during a media briefing on Thursday in Pretoria, Minister Nzimande said over the next two weeks he would engage with stakeholders to ensure that there was stability at institutions of higher learning.

«We have set up meetings to engage with all stakeholders, right now at the beginning of the year, over the next two weeks… together with the Deputy Minister and senior officials in the department,» he said.

Last year, students protested at some university campuses around the country demanding free higher education.

Minister Nzimande said the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Funding of Higher Education and Training is set to release its final report in mid-2017, making recommendations on the feasibility of implementing fee-free higher education and training in South Africa.

«We must again underline that there are national processes in place designed to identify a long term solution to the question of university funding and fees.

«The Presidential Commission will report this year, and we urge all stakeholders to co-operate with this important process and give space to the finalization of this matter,» Minister Nzimande said.


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