Taiwan: Foundation makes education dreams come true

Taiwan/Enero de 2017/Fuente: The China Post

RESUMEN: La Fundación de Cultura y Educación del Sr. Hsieh Ching-yun  celebró su 58 ª Ceremonia de Becas el viernes. El evento se celebró junto a la celebración del 40 aniversario de la Segunda Cooperativa de Crédito de Keelung  Hsieh Hsiu-ping, CEO George Hsieh Guo-liang  y el presidente de la Fundación de Cultura y Educación, Li Bor-yuan, invitaron a las celebridades locales a asistir al evento evento. George Hsieh es también el presidente y editor de The China Post. Hsieh Ching-yun, padre del segundo presidente de la cooperativa de crédito Hsieh Hsiu-ping y abuelo del CEO George Hsieh, se dedicó a ayudar a los estudiantes pobres a lo largo de su vida. En 1976, la fundación fue establecida por Hsieh Hsiu-ping para continuar los deseos de su padre para la responsabilidad social. Según el presidente de la fundación, la fundación ha otorgado más de US $ 20 millones en becas a más de 2.000 estudiantes necesitados.

The Mr. Hsieh Ching-yun Culture and Education Foundation (謝清雲先生文教基金會) held its 58th Scholarship Awards Ceremony on Friday.

The event was held alongside the 40th anniversary celebration of the Second Credit Cooperative of Keelung (基隆二信合作社).

Second Credit Cooperative of Keelung Founding Chairman Hsieh Hsiu-ping (謝修平), CEO George Hsieh Guo-liang (謝國樑) and Mr. Hsieh Ching-yun Culture and Education Foundation President Li Bor-yuan(李伯元) invited local celebrities to attend the event. George Hsieh is also the chairman and publisher of The China Post.

Hsieh Ching-yun, father of Second Credit Cooperative Founding Chairman Hsieh Hsiu-ping and grandfather of CEO George Hsieh, devoted himself to aiding poor students throughout his life. In 1976, the foundation was established by Hsieh Hsiu-ping to continue his father’s wishes for social responsibility.

According to the foundation president, the foundation has given more than NT$20 million in scholarship grants to over 2,000 students in need.

The ceremony on Friday was a time for scholarship recipients, family and friends to come together to recognize the achievements of the students and express their gratitude for the philanthropy.

The foundation invited Keelung Mayor Lin You-chang (林右昌) and City Council Speaker Sung Wei-li (宋瑋莉) to award 10 college students NT$10,000 each and 8 high school students NT$6,000 each in scholarships.

Hsieh Hsiu-ping, the founding chairman of Second Credit Cooperative, said he was pleased to inform the public that the students benefited greatly from the program and some later played an important part in society, becoming professors, engineers and diplomats. The founding chairman was also said that these students all knew to how to give back to the society. For example, former Ministry of the Interior Lee I-yang (李逸洋) was one of the those who gave back to society and became a role model for the younger students.

Fuente: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/national-news/2017/01/21/489992/Foundation-makes.htm


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