Sudan: Displaced Students Take Top Honours in Central Darfur Exams

África/Sudan/16 Abril 2017/Fuente:dabangasudan /Autor: ZALINGEI

Resumen: Dos estudiantes desplazados de los campos de Darfur central han alcanzado las puntuaciones más altas en los exámenes escolares básicos, que fueron tomadas por 11.435 estudiantes en el estado. El estudiante desplazados Nurul Saada Musa Ahmed Adam de la escuela El Hassahisa logra primer lugar, con una puntuación de 276 marcas. Salma Suleiman Ibrahim de campo de Dar El Salaam quedó en segundo lugar.

Two displaced students from Central Darfur camps have achieved the top scores in the basic school examinations, that were taken by 11,435 students in the state.

The displaced student Nurul Saada Musa Ahmed Adam from El Hassahisa School achieved first place, with a score of 276 marks. Salma Suleiman Ibrahim from camp Dar El Salaam came in second,

The Central Darfur Minister of Education, Dr Mohammed Hassan Bashir, confirmed to Radio Dabanga from Zalingei that 11,435 students sat for examinations this session.

The education council of the camps for the displaced in Central Darfur congratulated students Nurul Saada Musa Ibrahim and Salma Suleiman Ibrahim for their respective first and second places.

Teacher Adam Abelmajid Abakar, the chairman of the educational councils of the state, said the results of the basic school certificate exams that were announced on Wednesday showed that the Ayor Barakat, El Amel, and Ibn Sina schools for the displaced rank among the top ten schools in the state.

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