Canada: Nunavut education minister makes last ditch effort to save Bill 37

Quassa says committee’s rejection of proposed languages legislation «not consensus government»

América del Norte/Canada/

Resumen:  El Ministro de educación Paul Quassa hizo una última súplica a Nunavut OM el miércoles para abrir el proyecto de ley de educación y debatir las leyes de protección de lengua Inuit. Quassa dio un discurso de 50 minutos sobre el trabajo de su departamento, cómo el proyecto 37 llegó a ser y dió una explicación paso a paso de los cambios propuestos. El proyecto de ley 37 era un proyecto de ley en la Asamblea Legislativa de Nunavut que habría cambiado las leyes de lenguaje y educación del territorio, y ampliaría la enseñanza completa del idioma Inuit en las escuelas de Nunavut. En este momento, la instrucción 100% Inuktitut sólo está garantizada para el Kindergarten hasta el Grado 4. La ley 37 habría propuesto como objetivo  la instrucción 100% Inuktitut a 2030. «Sr. Speaker, me refiero a Nunavummiut hoy a actualizarlos en iniciativas de educación, pero también para hablar con los miembros de esta cámara, en un espíritu de compromiso,» dijo Quassa. El proyecto de ley está en peligro de morir con este gobierno, dado que el mes pasado, la Comisión Permanente de legislación dijo que recomendaría no seguir el proyecto de ley. El proyecto de ley sólo puede avanzar si la Asamblea recibe el informe de la Comisión permanente o 120 días han pasado desde que el proyecto de ley de segunda lectura. Los 120 días es hasta el 7 de julio. Pero no hay mucho tiempo. Después del jueves, hay sólo una sesión antes de elecciones territoriales de octubre.

Education Minister Paul Quassa made a last ditch plea to Nunavut MLAs Wednesday to open proposed legislation to change the Education and Inuit Language Protection Acts to debate.

Quassa gave a 50 minute speech outlining the work of his department, how Bill 37 came to be and giving a step-by-step explanation of the proposed changes.

Pat Angnakak

Standing committee on legislation co-chair Pat Angnakak says the next government will have to re-visit amendments to the Education Act. (Vincent Desrosiers/CBC)

«Mr. Speaker, I am speaking to Nunavummiut today to update them on education initiatives, but also to speak to the members of this house, in a spirit of compromise,» Quassa said.

The bill is in danger of dying with this government.  Last month, the Standing Committee on Legislation said it would recommend the bill not proceed.

The bill can only move forward if the assembly receives the report from the standing committee or 120 calendar days have passed since the bill’s second reading. The 120 days is up July 7. But there is not much time left. After Thursday, there is only one sitting before October’s territorial election.

«I would appreciate the opportunity, through the usual letter writing process and ministerial appearance at committee, to explain all aspects of the Bill and to respond to the questions of the members and the issues raised by stakeholders in their submissions,» Quassa said.

The standing committee tabled 40 submissions it received on the bill from Inuit organizations, district education authorities, parents and university professors. Most are against the bill.

Its main objection to the bill is that it would push the deadline for offering bilingual (Inuktitut-English) education to 2029 for Grades 4 to 9, and postponing the deadline for Grades 10 to 12 indefinitely. Currently the deadline for billingual education is 2019.

«Nunavummiut have to hear the other side of the story. Nunavummiut have the right to hear a debate especially when we’re talking about new legislation,» Quassa told CBC News.

«To me – it’s not consensus [government]. If one side is going to decide and make that decision, it’s not consensus,» he said, referring to the standing committee not moving the bill forward.

«I’ve been saying all along that I’m very open to discussing it because it’s draft legislation. So therefore we can change anything to address any concerns.»

Quassa told CBC he hoped Wednesday’s speech had an impact on MLAs. But that remains to be seen.

«I think we still need to listen to what our constituents are saying. Constituents have told us as MLAs that they are not happy with the proposed amendments,» said standing committee co-chair Pat Angnakak.

«I know the government will have to go back to the drawing board when the next government comes in,» she said.

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