Hong Kong: Hard work by students at grassroots’ school pays off


Resumen: Muchos estudiantes de primaria de una escuela reconocida por admitir a niños desfavorecidos han ganado lugares en las escuelas secundarias favoritas de Hong Kong este año. Alrededor de un tercio de los estudiantes de primaria de la Escuela de Comerciantes de Pescado Fresco, que se conoce por admitir a niños desfavorecidos, se dirigen a las renombradas escuelas secundarias de Hong Kong este mes de septiembre, de acuerdo con los resultados de asignación de Secundaria One publicados el martes.

Around a third of primary-six students from Fresh Fish Traders’ School, which is known for admitting underprivileged kids, are heading to Hong Kong’s renowned secondary schools this September, according to Secondary One allocation results released on Tuesday.

Lau Ka-yan, 12, the eldest daughter of a family of six living in a subdivided flat in Sham Shui Po, will be attending Wai Kiu College, her first choice, Apple Daily reported.

For the past two years, the schoolgirl studied diligently six hours a day and spent her weekends in a tutorial center or students’ study room to revise, as her home was too crowded. Lau expressed deep gratitude to her mother and teachers and attributed her success to their patience and teaching.

Lau said she is wants to become a nurse when she grows up.

Wong Yuen-ying, another grassroots student at the same school, is heading to CCC Ming Kei College, also her first choice, Oriental Daily reported.

Wong, who was born to a Hong Kong father and Vietnamese mother, said learning Chinese characters was hard at first. She overcame it by copying the characters and reading Chinese materials online more often to help boost her reading comprehension skills.

She also went to tutorial classes for English and mathematics on weekends in a bid to get better academic results

Fuente: http://www.atimes.com/article/hard-work-students-grassroots-school-pays-off/

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