Vanuatu/July 25, 17/Source:
Happy Vanuatu Children’s Day. Children are appropriately singled out today with the announcement that the entire government is behind the Free Secondary Education Scheme. This will start from next year. The Governments of Australia and New Zealand have looked after the entirety of the first years of education for, really, far too long: Vanuatu should have found a solution. It now has and will shoulder the full burden of primary education henceforth. Today’s story in Daily Post raises many questions and it is to be hoped these will be answered after today’s celebrations are over. Their subhead is “Prime Minister declares free early childhood and secondary education.” This promise was made exactly a year ago. Our present PM is not one to simply take an advantage of a public holiday to tout a rehashed policy. But we want all the details. Government is extremely concerned at the number of late primary dropouts. This policy action is intended to stop it worsening.
Another Children’s Day venture: Government support for a Telecom Vanuatu–Wan Smolbag initiative to combat street crime. The two organisations have the best interests of youth at heart, as has Government. An annual street dance battle would seem to be just what it can use from the stack of amazing talents of the organisations who are sponsoring!