Tanzania: School awarded 500,000/ – for excelling in examinations

África/Tanzania/Abril 2016/Fuente: Tanzania Daily News/Autor:Peti Siyame

Resumen: El Consejo de Distrito Nkasi en la regiópn de Rukwa otorgó a una escuela primaria 500.000 /  luego de resultar en el primer lugar de la región según los resultados de la Evaluación Nacional (NSFA) . La escuela fue la primera a nivel regional entre 358 escuelas primarias y en el ámbito nacional se ubico en la posición 1250 entre 16.657 escuelas.


Sumbawanga — Nkasi District Council in Rukwa Region awarded Kilambo cha Mkolechi Primary School along the shores of Lake Tanganyika 500,000/- after emerging the first in the region following the 2015 National Standard Four Assessment (NSFA) results.

It is the school whose 40 pupils were forbidden to attend classes while wearing sandals popularly known here as ‘yeboyebo’ , their ‘yeboyebo’ were also burned by fire at the school ground according to the directive by the teacher on duty, Mr Baraka Mwakasege.

According to the National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECT), the assessment results show that 33 pupils from Kilambo Cha Mkolechi who sat their exams did well as the school emerged the first among 97 primary schools in Nkasi district.

The same school emerged the first at regional level among 358 primary schools and at national level it grabbed the 1,250th position among 16,657 schools.

Acting Nkasi District Council Director Misana Kwangula lauded the ‘Daily News’ for reporting the ‘yebo yebo’ foot wear incident which helped him intervene by ordering the head-teacher to buy new shoes for the pupils.

«You did a remarkable, well done job for reporting such ‘yeboyebo’ incident. The good news is that the same school has excelled impressively on the National Standard Four exams,» he said. Mr Kwangula, also the Nkasi District Education Officer (primary schools) said his council would award 500,000/- to the school.

This paper had reported that pupils of Kilambo Cha Mkolechi Primary School wearing ‘yebo yebo’ were ordered by their teacher to remove the shoes when entering in class.

Fuente de la noticia:http://dailynews.co.tz/index.php/home-news/48527-school-awarded-500-000-for-excelling-in-examinations

Fuente de la imagen: http://old.solar-aid.org/project_solar_for_children/media/rural%20school%20in%20Mtwara%20Tanzania.png

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