Report: Africa Beyond 2030: Leveraging knowledge and innovation to secure Sustainable Development Goals


Este informe, África más allá de 2030: aprovechando la ciencia y la innovación para asegurar el desarrollo sostenible Objetivos, proporciona información sobre cómo las ITS son esenciales para cerrar la brecha entre África y el Norte Global, logrando los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU. No es una exageración decir que nuestro éxito en alcanzar cada uno de los 17 ODS está altamente correlacionado con nuestro inversión en STI. Además, deben existir las políticas y las condiciones de gobernanza adecuadas para incentivar y alimentar a nuestros inversiones en ciencia, tecnología e innovación. Por lo tanto, el liderazgo de pensamiento de las organizaciones
como la Academia Africana de Ciencias es un colaborador clave para cambiar el momento en nuestro futuro de África

Editor: African Academy of Sciences.

Fecha: 2018

This report, Africa Beyond 2030: Leveraging Science and Innovation to Secure Sustainable Development Goals, provides insight into how STI is essential to closing the gap between Africa and the Global North, by achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It is not an exaggeration to say that our success in reaching every one of the 17 SDGs is highly correlated with our investment in STI. Moreover, the right policy and governance conditions must exist to incentivize and nurture our investments in science, technology and innovation. Thus, the thought leadership of organizations such as the African Academy of Sciences is a key contributor to shifting the moment on our ConFOREWORD Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) will drive the future of Africa V Africa Beyond 2030 tinent from a resource-based, extraction-focused economy, to one driven by entrepreneurship and innovation. Creative initiatives, such as the Coalition for African Research and Innovation (CARI) must be supported in order to build and develop partnerships among more R&D generators with high standards, more skills, more funds, more support and more ambition. There are many moving parts in Africa, as there are everywhere in the world. Human health and wellbeing are not just dependent on the delivery of preventive and clinical medical services, but are also driven by nutrition, agriculture, the environment and the economy. These interdependent factors must be considered holistically if we are to successfully reach the SDGs. This timely study provides comprehensive and specific recommendations to improve Africa’s science, technology and innovation policies to build the capacity of governments to monitor and evaluate its investments in STI, required for sustainable growth. Africa must mobilize its own resources – most pointedly its youthful human resources – to drive its scientific and development agenda. The need to invest in STI at every level of government to achieve the SDGs and build a thriving future for Africa is no longer a question. The question is how we ensure that our investments are as effective as they can be.

Descargar el reporte: africa-beyond-2030 (1)

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