United States: No Advisory to Close Schools Today – Education Ministry

United States / March 17, 2018 /jis.gov.jm

Resumen: El Ministerio de Educación, Juventud e Información reitera que las escuelas NO deben cerrarse sin la aprobación previa del Ministerio.

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information is reiterating that schools should NOT be closed without prior approval from the Ministry.

Information reaching the Ministry is that some teachers who turned up for work and in some cases principals had told students that there would be no school tomorrow. This is in contravention of the Ministry’s instructions.

Seventy-five of the 466 schools checked today had classes in the earlier part of the day up to just before mid-day. Others had classes up to the end of the normal school day.

In the meantime, the Ministry will be deploying additional personnel tomorrow, March 13, to support the schools.

This support includes Regional Response Teams (RRTs) comprising officers from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, selected tertiary institutions, Secondary Schools Student bodies and the National Parent Teachers Association of Jamaica.

Fuente: https://jis.gov.jm/no-advisory-to-close-schools-tomorrow-education-ministry/
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