Top universities in US to help India revamp educational curriculum in several subjects

Asia/India/Junio 2016/Autor: Sreekanth A. Nair/ Fuente:

Resumen:  El ministro de Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos Smriti Irani, dijo que el gobierno está buscando la ayuda de expertos de universidades líderes mundiales como Cambridge, MIT, Pennsylvania para diseñar el plan de estudios de las instituciones educativas de primera clase en la India.

The Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani said that the government is seeking the help of experts from leading global universities like Cambridge, MIT, Pennsylvania to design the syllabus of premier educational institutions in India.

“The government of India has been in touch with some international faculty and academicians and institutions who shall through RUSA, a national higher education mission, help states internationalize their curriculum in order to benefit their students,” Irani was quoted as saying by PTI.

The curriculum in social sciences, science, mathematics and engineering will be revamped with the help of experts from University of Edinburgh, MIT, Cambridge, University of Pennsylvania, UC Berkeley, University of Washington and Georgia Tech.

Irani was speaking at the launch of 10 projects in different states under Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) in New Delhi. She also announced a competition for students to design a logo with acronym related to aspiration of students. The result will be announced on August 15 and the winners will get a free study tour abroad.

Irani has taken several decisions in the recent past that triggered controversies on many grounds. The ministry had decided to hoist the tricolor flag of a specific dimension in all 46 central universities that comes under the control of the central government, immediately after the Jawaharlal Nehru University row where anti-India slogans were allegedly raised at an event held on the campus in February.

In April, she informed the Lok Sabha that the ministry has asked Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) to include the study of Sanskrit language in its curriculum.

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