Botswana: Support children’s education

África/Botswana/26 Junio 2016/Fuente: Daily News /Autor: Kebaeditse Baitlotli

Resumen:  El miembro del parlamento para Lentsweletau D. Vincent Seretse ha pedido a todas las partes interesadas  apoyar las iniciativas gubernamentales destinadas a mejorar el sistema de educación. Seretse dijo que el sistema de educación podría alcanzar el nivel deseado si todos pudieran trabajar juntos, a su vezl expresó su agradecimiento por las donaciones recibidas hasta la fecha.

Gakuto — The Member of Parliament for Lentsweletau/Mmopane constituency, Mr Vincent Seretse has called upon all stakeholders to support government initiatives aimed at improving the education system.

Receiving two donkey carts worth about P50 000 donated by BC & LM Gas to Gakuto and Molefhe primary schools in his constituency, Mr Seretse said the education system could reach the intended level if all could work together.

He expressed gratitude over the donation, saying it came at the time when it was most needed to reduce the distance walked by pupils to school.

Mr Seretse, who is also the Minister of Investment, Trade and Industry, urged the Gakuto community and the school management to make full use of the carts for the benefit of pupils.

Mr Seretse said the initiative of providing transport for school pupils was an effort by the government to transform education as well as fostering it by providing platforms through which education could be made easier and enjoyable.

«Pupils travelling long distances arrive at school late and tired hence unable to concentrate in class,» MP Seretse said. The situation, he said, impacted negatively on pupils education thus lead to truancy and a high number of dropouts.

Minister Seretse was optimistic that the donated donkey carts would improve transport for pupils and encourage them to take their education seriously which would lead to improved results.

He applauded the area councillor, Mr Mathata Selaledi for his role in initiating the donation aimed at making a difference in the lives of Gakuto and Molefhe primary school pupils who have been walking long distances of about five kilometers to and from school daily

The MP highlighted that the use of donkey carts to school was not a new phenomenon, saying it existed for long time and that the World Bank used the same arrangement to improve education.

Handing over the donation on behalf of BC & LM Gas, the Indian High Commissioner to Botswana, Dr Ketan Shuklas applauded the company director, Mr Cyrian Pius for his support towards improving the lives of the needy through a number of initiatives for the success of the government’s Vision 2016.

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