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Micronesia: Officials open the Sekere Multi-Purpose Gymnasium donated by Japan

Micronesia: Officials open the Sekere Multi-Purpose Gymnasium donated by Japan

Micronesia/ Abril de 2016/The Kaselehlie Press

Resumen: Pohnpei, Estado Federado de Micronesia , ahora tiene otro gimnasio y centro de usos múltiples situada en la propiedad de la escuela primaria Sekere. El gimnasio fue donado al Departamento de Educación del Estado de Pohnpei por el pueblo de Japón a un costo de $ 194.628. La finalidad de la concesión era para la educación de jóvenes y desarrollo de la comunidad mediante la promoción del deporte y la cultura tradicional.

By Bill Jaynes
The Kaselehlie Press
February 17, 2016
Pohnpei, FSM—Pohnpei State now has another gymnasium and multi-purpose center situated on the property of the Sekere Elementary School. The gym was donated to the Pohnpei State Department of Education by the people of Japan at a cost of $194,628. The purpose for the grant was for youth education and community development through promotion of sports and traditional culture.
This morning was the ribbon cutting ceremony which was attended by dozens of local community members as well as State and National officials, and Ambassador Masaki Sakai of the Japanese Embassy. At the end of the ceremony, Ambassador Sakai demonstrated his basketball dribbling prowess before delivering a ceremonial jump ball to two Sekere Elementary School students.
Before entering the multi-purpose center, some of the students of Sekere Elementary participated in the State Anthem.
Ambassador Sakai, FSM Secretary for the Department of Foreign Affairs Lorrin Robert, Governor Marcelo Peterson, Acting Director of the Pohnpei Department of Education Destry Tom, Pohnpei State Senator and Lepen Sekere Rensper Liwy, and Sekere Community Youth Association President Nixon Ludwig ceremonially cut the ribbon for the new center.
Immediately following, all of Sekere’s Church leaders blessed the building and the dignitaries were ushered to their seats.
Sekere Elementary School Principal, Pastor Loriano Martin served as the Master of Ceremonies and introduced the invited dignitaries several times during the ceremony which lasted for two hours.
Juan San Nicolas of APSCO Construction handed over the symbolic key to a long line of recipients ending with Mr. Tom handing the key to Nixon Ludwig of SCYA.
Ambassador Sakai has participated in each ceremony for the Sekere Community Multi- Purpose Gymnasium. He and his staff drove the grant process through. He spoke of the friendly relations between the FSM and Japan, the “Kizuna”, the tight bonds of friendship. He spoke of the two ceremonies he had attended before on the site and the fact that it had rained on each occasion and had been told that rain indicated a blessing on the project.
Governor Peterson spoke about the benefits to all Pohnpeians as the people of the State battle against non-communicable diseases.
Before Ambassador Sakai tossed the first basketball into the air for the symbolic jump ball, there was a dramatic moment as the basketball hoops were lowered into position and the score board was lit up with all of its buzzers and bells.
Since the date of the opening of the gym it has seen consistent use in the community


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Papua Nueva Guinea: City schools told to expand to cater for increasing population

Papua Nueva Guinea: City schools told to expand to cater for increasing population

Papua Nueva Guinea/abril de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: Las escuelas en el Distrito Capital Nacional de Papua Nueva Guinea, deben ampliar para atender a la creciente población de la ciudad. El secretario adjunto de la junta de educación del distrito Walipe Wingi dio declaraciones afirmando que la relación apropiada de maestro a los estudiantes es un maestro para 35 alumnos. En este momento esta muy por encima, por lo que vamos a tratar de reducir la proporción de estudiantes por maestro a un tamaño manejable. Se reveló que existen 42 escuelas primarias con 45.000 niños, 39 primarias escuelas con 44.000 alumnos, cinco escuelas de formación profesional con 3000 estudiantes, 10 escuelas secundarias con 2.000 estudiantes, ocho escuelas permitidos y cuatro escuelas del Organismo Internacional de la Educación.

SCHOOLS in the National Capital District should expand to cater for the growing city population, deputy secretary of the district education board Walipe Wingi says.
“The appropriate ratio of teacher to students is one teacher to 35 students. At the moment it’s way over. Let’s try reduce the student to teacher ratio down to a manageable size,” Wingi said.
He said the education division in NCD could look at other possibilities of making that happen, like introducing shift classes where necessary.
“We have to rise above the challenges and make sure things work out. If we know the administration and management are not running the system we should inform the head teachers,” he said.
“Education is an interesting and challenging field. If we are in that field, we should be the people who know it all, we are the trainers and educators of others.
“The good news that happens in the schools reflects us here. We need to be a notch above everybody.
“If a school has a problem it means there is a problem in the education board that we have to look at it ourselves.”
Wingi told the new members of the district education board to make right decisions in the education division for the good of others.
“When we start making decisions based on other things and not on right things then we become cloudy and ask ourselves what is in there for me when we should ask what we can do for our country.”
NCD education services acting assistant secretary and new chairman of the education division Sam Lora said there were a lot of challenges NCD was facing with the number of schools against the city’s population.
He revealed that NCD had 42 elementary schools with 45,000 children, 39 primary schools with 44,000 students, five vocational schools with 3000 students, 10 secondary school with 2000 students, eight permitted schools and four International Education Agency schools.
He said secondary and vocational schools alone had not expanded much.
“There are a lot of challenges for us to provide basic education services to the community of Port Moresby and the National Capital District,” Lora said.
He said other challenges were the city’s fast growth with other developments and migration that contributed to the high number of out-of-school children in NCD.
“There are changes to policy matters and new developments happening in the education department, most of which will be trailed in NCD.
“We will be at the forefront of it,” he said.


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España. Chrysallis Euskal Herria pública el primer material didáctico para trabajar en las aulas la transexualidad con menores

EFE – Miércoles, 20 de Abril de 2016 –

SAN SEBASTIÁN. Chrysallis Euskal Herria, la asociación que agrupa a familias de menores transexuales de la CAV y Navarra, ha publicado el «primer material didáctico específico para trabajar en las aulas el tema de la transexualidad con menores».

Según explica en una nota este colectivo, se trata de unas fichas que «ya se han hecho virales» en las redes sociales y que en los dos primeros días desde su publicación han llegado a 120.000 personas y han sido compartidas más de 800 veces.

Chrysallis ha aclarado que se trata de seis fichas ideadas por el sexólogo Aingeru Mayor e ilustradas por Mattin Martiarena que «muestran las figuras de niños y niñas con sus genitales y proponen a los menores ejercicios para ahondar en la idea de que existen niñas con pene y niños con vulva».

El material, publicado en euskera y en castellano, es pionero en España y está siendo traducido al italiano, aunque Chrysallis ha recibido peticiones para volcarlo también a otros idiomas.

El objetivo de las fichas es «trabajar el conocimiento sobre la identidad y el cuerpo para poder comprender los hechos de diversidad», así como «la relación entre la identidad sexual y los genitales».

«Hasta ahora -señala Chrysallis- en los centros escolares se ha transmitido el planteamiento: ‘chico-pene’ y ‘chica-vulva'», algo que, a su juicio, «no es correcto y niega la existencia de una parte de las niñas y los niños».

«Con este material -que puede se descargado a través de Facebook- se pretende aclarar que la identidad sexual es un hecho subjetivo que solo cada uno puede relatar», insiste este colectivo.


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Hawaii: Not Even Once

Not Even Once

Hawaii/abril de 2016/portal Midweek

Resumen: Los estudiantes en Kauai Escuela Secundaria participaron recientemente en la Semana de la conciencia de Hawai Meth Meth Proyecto, promoviendo el mensaje «ni una sola vez» al consumo de estupefacientes. Hablaron sobre la metanfetamina y otras drogas, explicando los daños que ocasiona el consumo desde la primera vez. Los adolescentes tienen un club de «ni una sola vez» y reclutan a estudiantes voluntarios para ayudar a difundir su mensaje en todos los lugares posible, incluyendo en las reuniones de la comunidad, tales como la celebración Waimea Ciudad, y cualquier otro evento.

Erica Owan and Cassandra Mateo-Corpuz are determined to impart an important message to their peers about the dangers of methamphetamine. The Kauai High School seniors are encouraging other students to steer clear of the hazardous drug with the slogan: “Not Even Once.” They are ambassadors for Hawaii Meth Project and serve on the statewide Teen Advisory Council.
“Meth is a very powerful substance, so a lot of times, when people try it for the first time, they get hooked,” explains Owan. “Our motto is ‘not even once’ because it will lead you into that dangerous pathway.”
She knows just how damaging the effects of the drug can be — some of her family members were involved in drug use.
“It really damaged all of their relationships between each other,” she says. “I just wanted to help prevent others from having to face that.”
Mateo-Corpuz also is familiar with the devastation that follows a serious drug addiction. Her brother was a meth addict during his 20s, while she was between the ages of 8 and 12, and she unfortunately was exposed to its detrimental aftermath.

“He would bring me around his friends every night and every day he had the chance,” she says. “He always had an excuse to get out of the house to do meth.”
Now her brother is serving time in jail in Arizona.
“I pretty much lost my brother because of one bad choice he made,” she says.
She also lost out on a happy and carefree childhood, but that hasn’t stopped her from trying to help others avoid the same mistakes.

“What’s rewarding for me is knowing that if I help and can stop one person from doing it, it will stop them from hurting their families and feeling the same way I did,” she says.
The teens have a “Not Even Once” club and recruit student volunteers to help spread their message as far and wide as possible, including at community gatherings such as Waimea Town Celebration, “and any other events we can get our hands on,” says Owan.
They set up booths to educate teens and keiki about the multitude of emotional and physical repercussions of meth use, and even have games, including a modified version of “Operation” that identifies all the horrible things the drug can do, such as self-inflicted skin damage during hallucinations.
Their efforts seem to be working, as the most recent statistics from the survey, “Meth Use and Attitudes,” conducted by Hawaii Meth Project, indicate that 96 percent of students show a “strong disapproval” for using meth and that a majority of those surveyed statewide are aware of the organization.
“We want to see this continue. To be a part of breaking the cycle, we have to keep the message out there,” says Georgi DeCosta, executive director of Hawaii Meth Project, who is proud of the 19 members of the Teen Advisory Council and the work they do.

Though meth use usually begins with young adults between the ages of 19 and 26, Hawaii Meth Project’s prevention programs are aimed at changing youths’ understanding and sentiments toward the drug before they are lured by its temptations.
“Sometimes it’s peer pressure, but sometimes it’s that people don’t know what else to do,” says Mateo-Corpuz, explaining why so many young adults in Hawaii gravitate toward meth. “Some people reach a very low point
in their life, and then they see their friends doing it, and if they want to feel better about themselves, that’s what they start doing.”
DeCosta, who lives on Oahu but regularly visits Kauai to work with the teens, knows firsthand how tempting it is to start using drugs — when she was younger, she abused meth and heroin.
“I made a lot of bad choices,” she admits. “I regret a lot of the things that I went through. I’m so blessed to have this opportunity to maybe help others, young people, to not go through those same things I did because it was pretty painful for me, my family and those around me.”
She also feels lucky to have survived the addiction “in one piece,” as so many others do not. She knows plenty of people who sadly succumbed to overdoses, including the father of her children as well as their aunt, who died from organ failure because of meth use — she was only 30 years old.
“It’s extremely damaging what this drug can do. It’s unlike any other substance,” she says. “It really does destroy people’s mind, body and soul.”
So the nonprofit, which was founded in 2009, continues to spread a message of utmost importance.
“If we can do positive peer pressure to make people stay away from it, then we can help someone potentially continue their dreams instead of them being crushed by this drug,” says Owan.
Hawaii Meth Project will be recruiting new Teen Advisory Council members for the next school year (2016/2017). Applications will be available soon. Visit for updates and more information.


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Curso Internacional «ordenamiento territorial y ODS»

Abiertas postulaciones


Sede de la CEPAL en México DF; México,
6 al 10 de junio de 2016

El curso es organizado por el Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), a través del Área de Planificación, Prospectiva y Desarrollo Territorial con el apoyo de la unidad de Asentamientos Humanos de la División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos y la sede Subregional de CEPAL México.

El curso tiene como objetivo central, indentificar conceptos y herramientas que permitar valorar la manera en que el ordenamiento territorial contribuye al logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y proponer medidas para integrar políticas y programas de ordenamiento territorial. Este análisis se realiza considerando los distintos niveles del Estado aplicables a cada país o realidad particular.

Al finalizar el curso, los alumnos serán capaces de:

  • Conocer los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenibles que se relacionan más directamente con el ordenamiento territorial.
  • Conocer los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenibles que se vinculan indirectamente para el apoyo al ordenamiento territorial.
  • Aplicar una herramienta de análisis para evaluar la situación institucional, financiera y administrativa en su realidad concreta.
  • Proponer medidas para implementar en planes de logro de ODS en materia de ordenamiento territorial.

La inscripción de este curso tiene un costo de US$500 (quinientos dólares americanos).

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Fiji: Minister Reddy Reiterates Why Exams Important

Fiji: Minister Reddy Reiterates Why Exams Important

Fiji/abril de 2016/portal Fijisun

Resumen: El ministro de educación Mahendra Reddy, explicó su posición con respecto a los exámenes internos en Fiji, los cuales se llevan a cabo para medir el rendimiento del estudiante. Al respecto señaló que los estudiantes se les da la opción de tomaros cuando han completado el décimo año y deben continuar en el año 11 y el año 12; o inscribirse en una universidad técnica establecida. Igualmente informó el ministro que en el 2016, se espera que el Gobierno  establezca 10 colegios  técnicos más en todo el país.

Internal examinations in Fiji are carried out to gauge a student’s performance, says the Minister for Education, Heritage and Arts, Mahendra Reddy.
He confirmed students would not be stopped from going to another class, for example from Year 6 to Year 7.
Mr Reddy said students would be given a choice when they completed Year 10 after the Fiji Junior Examination – to continue on to Year 11 and Year 12 or enrol at an established technical college.
In 2016, Mr Reddy said Government was expected to establish 10 more technical colleges around the country.
“The technical college will cater for students who, after Year 10, choose to pursue skills training that can lead to employment or further training at higher tertiary institutes,” the minister said.
Government’s objective, he said, was to provide education for all at no cost to the parents.


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Colombia. El Brief: Los derechos ‘solo para LGTB’ se asientan en América, Londres reconoce el genocidio cristiano

Colombia/21 abril 2016/Autor: V. Gago/ Fuente:

España queda fuera de la mini-cumbre de Obama y la UE sobre terrorismo: un Gobierno en funciones y un país menos relevante en los foros decisivos

La perspectiva ideológica de “género” ya es un objetivo oficial en las relaciones entre países del continente americano. Desde 2014, existe la figura del “relator LGTBI” adscrita a la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la OEA, la Organización de Estados Americanos. Entre sus mandatos, está “promover los derechos humanos de personas LGTBI”.

La Comisión abrió el pasado 13 de abril un “diálogo sobre buenas prácticas en materia de derechos de personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e intersexuales en América”. Solo doce países enviaron representantes a la reunión celebrada en Washington, en la que el relator Francisco Eguiguren expuso un borrador de código de conducta para gobiernos, parlamentos, jueces y policías.

Entre otras recomendaciones, el relator propone crear unidades de derechos exclusivos LGTBI en las oficinas de los Defensores del Pueblo, añadir capítulos específicos anti-discriminación a todas las leyes y las políticas públicas, consultar con las organizaciones LGTB todas las leyes para garantizar que se adaptan a la perspectiva de “género”, irradiar los programas educativos con un enfoque “de diversidad sobre los asuntos relacionados con el género”, o la “fiscalización y control de médicos y profesionales de la salud” que ayudan a personas homosexuales que quieren dejar de serlo.

La propuesta también incluye la prevención de lo que el relator, en sintonía con el lenguaje del movimiento LGTB, llama “el discurso del odio”. Se pide a los gobiernos de la comarca americana usar su poder para “combatir los estereotipos negativos y la discriminación contra las personas LGTBI”, lo que, en la práctica, significa vigilar lo que se dice y lo que se publica, y perseguir los mensajes no alineados con el discurso de “género”.

Estados Unidos y Brasil, que sí enviaron delegados a la reunión, propusieron añadir un apartado sobre el Zika, según informó a Actuall Marianna Orlandi, de C-Fam –Catholic Families–, una organización provida y profamilia con base en Washington DC. La expansión del virus está siendo utilizada por los grupos de presión feministas y de la industria del aborto, como pretexto para promover las políticas favorables al aborto en Iberoamérica.

El Brief de Actuall ha tenido acceso al documento, que puedes leer completo aquí.

[Con información de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y C-Fam]

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