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El COVID-19 puede haber dejado una generación de niños sin vacunar en África y América Latina

Un artículo publicado en The Lancet calculó que cientos de niños en Africa y América Latina no serían vacunados por la pandemia. Hoy los datos confirman sus sospechas.

En un estudio publicado en octubre de 2020, el investigador Kaja Abbas y sus colegas afirmaban que la inmunización infantil de rutina está “en riesgo de suspensión” y “debe mantenerse en África tanto como sea posible durante la pandemia de COVID-19”.

Han pasado más de 6 meses desde que el documento se publicó por primera vez como documento de trabajo, aproximándose al período de riesgo de COVID-19 de 6 meses modelado por los autores. Ahora sabemos que los programas de inmunización en África (y más allá) se vieron gravemente interrumpidos.

De acuerdo con la revista The Lancet, los dos escenarios de los autores muestran cuán incierto es nuestro entendimiento de los efectos indirectos de la pandemia en la salud de los servicios de inmunización. Se estimó que las muertes debidas a la interrupción de la inmunización rutinaria se encontraban entre 25.584 en el escenario de bajo impacto y 701.828 en el escenario de alto impacto. Esa es una diferencia de 27 veces, impulsada exclusivamente por si se realizan actividades de recuperación.

Los países con registros electrónicos de inmunización pueden proporcionar información sobre cuántos niños que no se vacunaron durante el encierro son finalmente vacunados, como Colombia. Pero países como Liberia o República Democrática del Congo no.

Los vacunadores en algunos países utilizaron las listas de incumplidores del registro electrónico de inmunizaciones para rastrear y vacunar a los niños. Sin embargo, aunque el programa está rastreando y vacunando con éxito a algunos de los niños perdidos, los datos de Pakistán por ejemplo muestran un grupo de niños perdidos en constante expansión desde el período de cierre. La mayoría de los países africanos no cuentan con registros electrónicos de inmunización, por lo que se desconoce el número de niños que no fueron vacunados debido a la pandemia y que mueren prematuramente.

De acuerdo con la OMS, solo el 55% de los 105 países habían asignado fondos gubernamentales adicionales para garantizar servicios de salud esencial. Esta respuesta fue más común en los países de ingresos altos y medianos altos (70% en ambos grupos) que en los países de ingresos bajos y medianos bajos (41% y 42% respectivamente).

Limitar el acceso a servicios seleccionados o en áreas seleccionadas del país era más común que la suspensión total de servicios. Más de la mitad de los países tenían políticas que afectaban parcial o totalmente a los servicios ambulatorios (61%), la atención comunitaria (54%), los servicios hospitalarios (53%) y las clínicas móviles (47%). Los servicios de atención de emergencia prehospitalaria y los servicios de las unidades de emergencia se vieron afectados en una minoría de países (12% y 8% respectivamente).


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Kenya: Kisii student charged with attempted murder of teachers

Africa/Kenya/15-01-2021/Author: Joseph Cheruiyot/KNA/Fuente:

A Kisii School student who assaulted his two teachers by stabbing them has been arraigned at a Kisii court and charged with two counts of attempted murder.

Isaiah Edward Flora, a form three student aged 17, clad in school uniform, however, pleaded not guilty to the offence and was freed on Sh50,000 cash bail.

The suspect appeared before Kisii Senior Resident Magistrate Steve Onjoro and was charged that on January 12 at 7.30 am at Kisii School, Kisii central sub county, he attempted to kill Edward Mokaya by stabbing him four times.

In the second count, the suspect faced a similar charge which stated that on the same date and place, contrary to the relevant law, he attempted to kill Elvin Maoto by stabbing him. The magistrate ruled that the suspect be released on sh. 50,000 cash bail or a bond of sh. 100,000.

The prosecution was led by Hilary Kaino while Ben Gichana represented the suspect.

The student allegedly reported late to school and declined to be reprimanded by Teacher Edwin Mokaya, and instead flushed out a knife viciously attacking him and Elvin Maato who came to rescue his colleague.

Also Read  Kiambu murder victim James Kinyanjui laid to rest

School rules stipulate that all students entering the institution from holiday are thoroughly frisked by the administration including the use of metal detectors.

The two teachers who sustained serious, face, head, legs and back injuries were rushed to Ram private hospital in Kisii town where Maato received medication and was discharged.

According to the hospital’s administrator Enock Abobo, Mokaya was admitted pending surgery in the theatre.

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Uganda: Arthritis drug proves effective in treating COVID-19

Arthritis drug proves effective in treating COVID-19

Kampala, Uganda |  THE INDEPENDENT | Two rheumatoid arthritis drugs have shown to be effective in stopping the occurrence of death in severely sick COVID-19 patients. The drugs, tocilizumab and sarilumab are anti-inflammatory medication used to treat arthritis by stopping inflammation from taking place.     

Results from a double-blinded phase three clinical trial involving 800 participants in six countries showed that the drugs could save the life of one out of 12 severe patients and reduce the time spent in the ICU.  

The drugs are also known as IL-6 receptor antagonists because they regulate cell growth and help immune responses in the body by stopping inflammation. This was found to reduce the effect that the proteins of the virus which attacks the immune system and cause an overreaction, which can damage the lungs and other organs can have.  

According to results from the study carried out in the UK, the drugs were able to reduce the death rate of severely sick patients by a quarter. The death rate among patients admitted to the ICU stood at 37 per cent.  

Half of the participants in the trial were given a placebo and the others were given the drugs. An 8.5 drop was recorded in patients who took the two drugs over a three-week period. When the drug was administered, the death rate reduced to 27 per cent in patients who took the drug within 24 hours after being admitted.  

The findings of the trial have not yet undergone peer reviews. However, the treatment has been rolled out in some hospitals in The UK. Doctors are giving the drug to COVID patients who, despite receiving dexamethasone, are deteriorating and need intensive care.    

Prof Anthony Gordon, the lead investigator in the UK trial says that the trial findings were great and would have a big effect on COVID-19 treatment.

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Libia: UN welcomes Libyan prime minister’s support for political dialogue

UN welcomes Libyan prime minister’s support for political dialogue

TRIPOLI, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) — Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Libya (ASRSG) Stephanie Williams on Saturday welcomed Libyan UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Serraj’s support for the UN-facilitated Libyan political dialogue, said the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

«PC (Presidency Council) President Fayez Serraj and ASRSG Stephanie Williams met today in Rome to discuss ways to push forward the Libyan political dialogue, ahead of the meeting of the LPDF’s (Libyan Political Dialogue Forum’s) Advisory Committee next week in Geneva,» UNSMIL said.

«ASRSG Williams welcomed President Serraj’s commitment and support to the UN-facilitated dialogue process to lead the country towards elections on 24 December 2021,» it added.

During the LPDF held last November, 75 Libyans representing the social and political spectrum of the Libyan society discussed a political roadmap to achieve lasting peace in war-torn Libya.

The participants agreed to hold general elections in Libya on Dec. 24, 2021. They also voted on a mechanism to select a unified executive authority of the country. Enditem

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Kenia: NMS to distribute free masks to schools

NMS to distribute free masks to schools

At least 30,500 needy pupils in Nairobi are set to benefit from free mask distribution by the Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS).

This comes after the Major General Mohammed Badi-led office launched the distribution of 61,000 face masks to at least one school in each of the 17 sub-Counties in Nairobi County.

NMS Health Services Director Dr Josephine Kibaru-Mbae said that as part of the exercises every pupil will be given two face masks each.

She pointed out that the face masks were donated to NMS by Kings Collection as part of the ongoing Covid-19 sensitization exercise in schools by NMS’s health team.

The NMS director said they have tasked the sub-county team to identify one school from their area which will then benefit from the distribution with the target being extremely needy pupils.

Already, 2,500 pupils from Reuben Primary School in Mukuru Kwa Reuben, Embakasi South sub-County and another 2,000 pupils from St. Elizabeth Primary School in Makadara sub-County have received the face masks in day one of the exercise where 9,000 said masks were given out.

Another 700 pupils from Muthurwa Primary School and 2,000 from Our Lady of Nazareth Primary School in Mukuru Kwa Njenga also benefited from the distribution.

“Hopefully we will finish the exercise by the end of this week. This was a donation given to NMS by Kings Collection but we are also looking for other partners to help us with more masks for distribution,” said Dr Kibaru-Mbae.

The director said the exercise has come in handy bearing in mind that Nairobi County continues to bear the biggest brunt of Covid-19.

Currently, the capital city accounts for more than half of the total 97,733 confirmed cases countrywide as of January 7, 2021.

Mid-December, NMS launched a six-week health outreach programme across all the 17 sub-Counties working with Kenya Red Cross and Unicef by offering free medical services including vaccination, family planning, Covid-19 tests among other services with health officers mobilising locals to access the services brought nearer their homes.

As part of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, the national government entity has also been supplying water to informal settlements in Nairobi procuring a fleet of 24 water bowsers to ensure the residents have reliable and consistent water supply.

“Further, a total of 193 boreholes have since been sunk and above ground storage tanks and water kiosks established, all managed by area residents. Water vending has also been digitised to ensure accountability and lock out water cartels. Extended piping and repair across the county is also underway to improve the water supply experience,” said Dr Kibaru-Mbae.

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Millones de niños africanos en riesgo de desnutrición

Más de 10 millones de niños en varios países de África sufrirán desnutrición aguda durante 2021, en medio de graves crisis humanitarias, advirtió hoy el Fondo de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef).


Debido a esa situación, se afectarán profundamente la salud y el bienestar de 10,4 millones de menores de edad en República Democrática del Congo, el noreste de Nigeria, Sudán del Sur, Yemen y la región del Sahel Central, según indica un reporte de esa agencia de ONU.

Esos son países o áreas afectadas por graves crisis humanitarias, conflictos, inseguridad alimentaria, hambruna y también por la pandemia de Covid-19.

Para las naciones que se recuperan de las consecuencias de los conflictos, los desastres y el cambio climático, la pandemia se ha convertido en una crisis nutricional, en una catástrofe inminente, recalcó la directora ejecutiva de Unicef, Henrietta Fore.

‘Las familias que ya normalmente luchan por alimentar a sus hijos están ahora al borde de la hambruna. No podemos dejar que sean las víctimas olvidadas de 2020’, expresó.

Unicef instó a los actores humanitarios sobre el terreno y a la comunidad internacional a ampliar urgentemente el acceso y el apoyo a los servicios de nutrición, salud, agua y saneamiento para esos niños y sus familias.

En el contexto de la pandemia, esa agencia de Naciones Unidas continúa brindando asistencia a los menores más vulnerables y sus familias, en zonas difíciles de alcanzar.

Para ello tuvo que realizar ajustes en los programas existentes, con el fin de mantener y aumentar el acceso.

En ese sentido, Unicef pidió más de mil millones de dólares para apoyar durante el próximo año 2021 sus programas de nutrición en aquellos países afectados por graves crisis humanitarias.

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Kenya: Government urged to minimise congestion in schools

Africa/Kenya/06-01-2021/Author and Source:

The Ministry of Education has been urged to devise ways of minimising congestion in schools in order to ensure social distancing among learners is achieved.

The National Assembly Administration and Security Committee chairman, Paul Koinange, said when schools re-open Monday, social distancing will pose a major challenge, noting that if not thoroughly addressed, the spread of Covid-19 could increase uncontrollably.

The chairman said the ministry should consider adopting the idea of having morning and afternoon classes in respective streams, noting that despite the fact that most schools have put in place the required ministry of health guidelines, social distancing would be hard to achieve.

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