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Brasil: en defensa de la democracia y del estado democrático de derecho

Declaración del Comité Directivo y de la Secretaría Ejecutiva de CLACSO

El país que superó la larga dictadura militar y aprobó la Constitución Ciudadana de 1988, no puede sufrir un atentado tan grave a su estado democrático de derecho. Debemos preservar las libertades individuales y colectivas, garantizando una democracia efectiva para todos.

América Latina tiene una larga historia de dictaduras militares que acentuaron la represión política y la violación a los derechos humanos, la concentración de la propiedad de la tierra y la desigualdad social, generando siempre el aumento del poder económico de las élites.

El combate a la corrupción constituye un deber de las instituciones públicas y privadas, pero no justifica el uso de actos mediáticos que ofenden y atacan la normalidad del estado de derecho. Toda acción de combate a la corrupción debe ser realizada dentro de los límites legales y como parte del proceso de perfeccionamiento de las instituciones democráticas, no de su mayor deterioro. Hoy, en Brasil, los principios que deben guiar el ejercicio de la justicia en una democracia republicana han sido maculados por recursos arbitrarios y selectivos producto de discrecionales actos de la autoridad judicial, los que se expresan en filtraciones periodísticas y operaciones policiales divulgadas por algunos medios de comunicación como despreciable recurso de linchamiento mediático, creando factoides políticos dirigidos exclusivamente al Partido de los Trabajadores y al gobierno de la presidenta Dilma Rousseff.

Por otro lado, la presidenta de la república ha sido atacada con acciones judiciales arbitrarias y acuerdos políticos revanchistas, que sólo buscan, por los medios y las formas que sean posibles, impedir que Dilma Rousseff concluya el mandato que le fuera investido por el pueblo brasileño.

Exigimos que se garanticen los procedimientos democráticos básicos, la presunción de inocencia, la igualdad ante la ley, el derecho a una amplia defensa, sin ceder a la voluntad de un sector del Ministerio Público o de un Poder Judicial que carece de control social. Es urgente que el Consejo Nacional de Justicia asuma sus responsabilidades, preservando el orden jurídico.

Nuestras democracias, duramente conquistadas gracias a la movilización y las luchas populares, no pueden subordinarse a intereses autoritarios que surgen y se perpetran a la sombra de un creciente fascismo social. El riesgo de ruptura de la legalidad y la institucionalidad democrática por una asociación entre políticos derrotados en las últimas elecciones, sectores del Poder Judicial y los grupos monopólicos que controlan la prensa nacional, no pueden comprometer el futuro de Brasil.

Hacemos aquí un llamado a la solidaridad y al apoyo de la comunidad latinoamericana para garantizar en Brasil la democracia y el estado democrático de derecho, conquistados en las últimas décadas. El pueblo brasileño desea y busca construir un modelo de desarrollo sustentable; una democracia fuerte con inclusión y justicia social; busca y lucha por el reconocimiento de sus derechos y libertades fundamentales. Es esa soberanía del pueblo brasileño la que debe ser preservada de las arbitrariedades, autoritarismos y oportunismos políticos que hoy se están apoderando de Brasil.


Buenos Aires, 28 de marzo de 2016


Comité Directivo
Secretaría Ejecutiva
Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales – CLACSO

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África: Educational Attainment Data Release 

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has released new national data on educational attainment and mean years of schooling for the population aged 25 years and older.


Attainment data are now available for 147 countries, 9 more than in the previous release. The data are available in the form of 2 indicators: the highest completed level of education and the minimum completed level of education.


The new educational attainment data follow the levels of education defined in the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011. Compared to ISCED 1997, ISCED 2011 makes it possible to present more disaggregated data for persons who have completed tertiary education.


In addition, this is the first UIS release to present time series with attainment data. Data on the highest and minimum completed levels of education are available for the period of 1995 to 2015, allowing analysis of national trends in attainment over time.


The UIS is also releasing an expanded dataset with estimates of mean years of schooling. This indicator measures the average number of years of education completed by a country’s adult population (25 years and older), excluding years spent repeating grades. Mean years of schooling are available for 149 countries, covering the period 1970 to 2014.


To access the new data go to the UIS Data Centre and click on Education – Educational attainment. The tables with attainment data can also be accessed directly from the links below:


• Population by highest completed level of education
• Population by minimum completed level of education (cumulative)
• Mean years of schooling

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Kenya: Kenyatta Pledges Reform in Education for People With Disabilities

África/Kenya/Marzo 2016/Fuente: CapitalNews /Autor: PSCU

Resumen: El presidente Uhuru Kenyatta realizo una visita sorpresa a Joytown la escuela secundaria para los discapacitados físicos donde reiteró que el gobierno va a buscar la manera de reformar el sector de la educación para atender las necesidades de los estudiantes con discapacidad.

President Kenyatta said the government will ensure that the reforms to be undertaken in the education sector will streamline remuneration of teachers in schools and institution taking care of the disabled.

He was fulfilling a pledge he had made a week ago to some students from the school who participated in the Seeing is Believing Initiative of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Awards and President’s Award – Kenya held at the slopes of Mount Kenya.

President Kenyatta said the government will ensure all Kenyans get equal opportunities saying it is not fair for disabled pupils some of whom are suffering from cerebral palsy to undertake same exam with those who don’t suffer from any disability.

Two students in the school, Purity Wangare of Form 3 and Gabriel Mutua suffering from cerebral palsy recited moving poems in English and Kiswahili on why the government needs to consider giving special national exam to students with disabilities.

Students who suffer from the disease have challenges writing fast, drawing graphs and are also slow in oral communication.

They said that physically disabled students are forced to do exams in the same format, specifically writing on paper, like other students even though they are limited by their physical state.

The President said his government takes keen interests to the needs of the disabled and that is why he appointed a Principal Secretary in charge of special programmes to ensure they are fully catered for.

«There are many people outside doing wonderful jobs, in fact I have a disabled PS who is doing a fantastic job,» said the President.

Further adding, «We will do everything possible to support this institution and also you as an individual to gain employment or self-employment.»

He pledged to work in partnership with the school to expand its facilities and improve on its infrastructure.

In the spirit of Easter celebrations, the President who was accompanied by the First Lady Margaret Kenyatta and other first family members gave various gifts to the school and also cut a cake with the students and teachers who expressed gratitude to the Head of State for his surprise visit.

The School’s principal Leah Kamunye thanked the President and his family for the surprise visit saying ‘it’s a good Easter surprise.»

The school which was started in 1980 with a population of 30 students has expanded and currently hosts a population of 250 students.

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UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS): Measuring inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all

 Education 2030

Measuring inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all 

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will remain just that – a set of goals – without accurate data that countries can use to monitor progress and develop evidence-based policies. In response, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is leading the development and production of the frameworks and indicators needed to monitor SDG 4 to ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030.

To guide this work, the UIS is chairing the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on post-2015 indicators, which includes technical experts from UNESCO, the EFA Global Monitoring Report, UNICEF, the World Bank and the OECD, as well as representatives of different Member States and civil society organizations. The TAG has released a new proposal presenting a framework for thematic monitoring of SDG 4 (including 43 indicators) based on extensive consultations with Member States, experts and the public. These indicators are included in the Education 2030 Framework for Action, which was adopted by Member States at UNESCO’s General Conference in November 2015. 


At the same time, the UIS is working with partners to develop the initiatives needed to produce a range of new indicators especially in priority areas, such as learning, equity and education finance.

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Ghana: Nigerian Students Shine at Ghanaian University Graduation

África/Ghana/Marzo 2016/Fuente y Autor:

Resumen:Dos estudiantes nigerianos ganaron el primer premio en la novena graduación Congregación del Instituto de Tecnología de Accra (AIT). Ghana, atrae anualmente más de  7.000 estudiantes extranjeros de cerca de 60 países para sus universidades privadas y públicas.

Two Nigerians have won the top prize at the 9th Graduation Congregation of the Accra Institute of Technology (AIT), a leading technology-focus private university in Ghana. The event held at the Ghanaian capital city over the weekend.

In a statement released by the University, Mr. Peter Hunnoho Moses, who graduated with a First Class Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Technology was adjudged the overall best student of the graduation class with a cumulative GPA of 3.99. The overall best student in the Female category went to Ms. Odinaka Abel Favour, who graduated with a First Class Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with a cumulative GPA of 3.90.

In his speech to the audience, which saw graduation of Bachelor’s degree holders and PhDs, Prof. Clement Dzidonu, the President of the University observed that this is a major achievement given that, AIT has the toughest and the highest grading system within the university system in Ghana. «To get an A grade in a subject at AIT you must score above 90 and to get a First Class with a cumulative GPA close to the maximum 4.2, means that a student must consistently get A grades across the board», Dzidonu noted.

The Deputy Minister for Education, responsible for Tertiary Education, Hon. Samuel Okudjeto Ablakwa, who was the Special Guest of Honour, congratulated the university for mounting mainly science, technology and engineering programmes which in his view was in line with the Ghanaian government’s determination to implement and enforce the 60:40 policy guidelines aimed at giving priority to science, mathematics and engineering programmes in the tertiary institutions.

He announced that in line with this, the Ministry of Education through the National Accreditation Board (NAB) and the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) has drawn up new guidelines that would ensure that the accreditation of new universities and academic programmes meet these guidelines.

The Deputy Minister also congratulated those receiving the overall best graduating student awards and noted that, Ghana is currently attracting over 7,000 foreign students from close to 60 countries to its private and public universities annually.

He announced that the government is mindful of the internationalisation of higher education and the Ministry of Education is empowering its statutory higher education regulatory bodies to ensure that the high academic standards of a number of the Ghanaian universities including AIT are internationally benchmarked to continue to attract more foreign students.

Chairman of the AIT Board of Trustees, Prof. Francis K. Allotey, in his address to the congregation, announced the election of two eminent academics to the Board, namely: Prof. Goolam Mohamedbhai who is the former Vice Chancellor of University of Mauritius; former Secretary General of the Association of African Universities (AAU); former President of the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the former Chairman of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.

The other is Prof. Anuwar Ali, the former Vice Chancellor of the National University of Malaysia; former President and Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Malaysia and member of the Higher Education Council of Malaysia. «With this new members, the AIT Board of Trustees, now boast of five former Vice Chancellors of World-Class universities; there is no doubt that AIT has the most high-powered and academically distinguished University Board on the African continent», he observed.

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300 jeunes entrepreneurs et promoteurs de projets formés et installés dans le Sud-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire

300 jóvenes empresarios y desarrolladores de proyectos entrenados e instalados en el suroeste de Costa de Marfil

Costa de Marfil/Marzo 2016/Autor: PNUD en Costa de Marfil/ Fuente:

Le PNUD et SDGF appuie la formation et l’installation de 300 jeunes entrepreneurs ivoiriens

« J’ai déjà dépensé beaucoup d’argent auprès des cabinets pour me concevoir un plan d’affaire que je devais présenter à l’ancien Fonds National de la Jeunesse sans jamais réussir. Aujourd’hui, avec ce programme, j’ai bénéficié gratuitement de cette formation et j’ai également l’opportunité de bénéficier d’un financement. Merci au PNUD et à la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie» témoigne Coulibaly Daouda, un des trois cent jeunes formés.

En effet environ trois cent jeunes entrepreneurs et promoteurs de projets de la région de San Pedro, dans le Sud-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, ont été formés, du 19 novembre au 19 janvier à la conception et au montage de plan d’affaires par la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Côte d’Ivoire (CCI-CI).

Cette formation bénéficie de l’appui financier du Fonds pour le Développement Durable de la Coopération Espagnole, de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Côte d’Ivoire et du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD),

Ces jeunes, dont 178 hommes et 115 femmes, qui ont été formés durant deux mois, ont reçu leurs attestations de fin de formation le 10 mars au cours d’une cérémonie officielle en présence des autorités locales, des responsables de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Côte d’Ivoire et du management du PNUD.


«He pasado una gran cantidad de dinero de una firma para mí el diseño de un plan de negocios que tenía que presentar al antiguo Fondo Nacional de la Juventud no tener éxito. Hoy en día, con este programa, que se benefició de formación gratuita y también tengo la oportunidad de recibir financiación. Gracias a todo el PNUD y la Cámara de Comercio e Industria «Daouda Coulibaly demuestra, uno de los trescientos jóvenes formados.

De hecho aproximadamente trescientos jóvenes empresarios y promotores de proyectos en la región de San Pedro, en el sur-oeste de Costa de Marfil, se han formado, del 19 de noviembre a la 19 de enero en el plan de diseño e instalación negocio por la Cámara de comercio e industria de Costa de Marfil (CCI-CI).

Esta formación cuenta con el apoyo financiero del Fondo para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Cooperación Española, la Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Costa de Marfil y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

Estos jóvenes, entre ellos 178 hombres y 115 mujeres, que fueron entrenados durante dos meses, recibieron sus certificados de formación de extremo 10 de marzo, durante una ceremonia oficial a la que asistieron las autoridades locales, funcionarios de la Cámara de Comercio e industria de Costa de Marfil y la administración del PNUD.


« Ce projet vise à la création d’opportunités économiques et d’emplois durables pour les populations cibles », a expliqué le Directeur Pays adjoint du PNUD, Luc Gnonlonfoun.

Cent-cinquante personnes parmi ces jeunes ont été présélectionnées pour la qualité de leur projet et leur détermination à le réussir, et les meilleurs de ceux-ci seront financés par les partenaires du projet. Les autres pourront bénéficier d’un suivi et également d’un financement de la part d’autres bailleurs qui leur seront trouvés.

Cette initiative entre dans le cadre du Projet d’appui à l’insertion professionnelle et la promotion de l’entrepreneuriat jeunes dans la région de San Pedro, un projet commun de la CCI-CI et du PNUD baptisé ‘’Initiative’’.

« Que ce parchemin que vous recevez vous motive à poursuivre votre chemin jusqu’à la réalisation effective de votre projet d’entreprise », a conseillé le vice-président de la CCI-CI, Yéo Allaman, aux récipiendaires.

Pour sa part, la porte-parole des bénéficiaires du projet, Sanou Célestine, a estimé que «grâce à cette formation, quel que soit le projet qui leur sera présenté, ils n’auront aucune difficulté à monter le plan d’affaire ».

Au nombre de 400 postulants au départ, 350 jeunes hommes et femmes de différents profils, universitaires, scolarisés ou non, ayant une activité professionnelle ou sans emplois, ont été sélectionnés, dont 300 pour le projet entrepreneuriat jeunes et 50 pour une mise en stage dans des entreprises avec une possibilité d’embauche.

‘’Initiative’’ s’inscrit dans le vaste Programme Conjoint de Réduction de la Pauvreté dans la Région de San Pedro, d’un coût global de trois millions, trois cent dix mille dollars US, lancé en décembre 2014 par le Fonds de la coopération espagnole (SDGF), le PNUD, l’Unicef, la FAO, le Fonds d’entretien routier et le Port autonome de San Pedro.

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Formação de técnicos na Guiné-Bissau

Formación de Técnicos en Guinea -Bissau

África/Guiné-Bissau/Marzo 2016/ Fuente y autor:

Resumen: Se realizo el primer curso de formación ambiental dirigido a técnicos del área costera y marina, el curso tiene como propósito  brindar una visión integradora de las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales, contextualizado de acuerdo a la realidad local de los asistentes, los cuales estan constituidos por delegados e inspectores marítimos, polícias de la brigada costera y técnicos de instituciones públicas, ONG vincualdas a la Educación Ambiental.


O  “1.º Curso de Formação de técnicos ligados a áreas marinhas e costeiras no campo da Educação Ambiental”, a realizar entre os dias 16 e 25 de março. O evento de 10 dias é organizado pela Secretaria de Estado dos Transportes e Comunicações, através do Instituto Marítimo e Portuário da República da Guiné-Bissau, em parceria com a Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental – ASPEA e com o apoio da Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental.

Ao todo vão estar 40 participantes entre delegados e inspetores marítimos, agentes (polícias) da Brigada Costeira e técnicos de outras instituições públicas e ONG vocacionadas para a Educação Ambiental.

A formação propõe-se a constituir uma base importante de trabalho para técnicos e educadores ambientais, integrando dimensões interdisciplinares das áreas das ciências naturais e das ciências sociais e humanas; e tendo em conta os objetivos preconizados nos Estatutos do Instituto Marítimo e Portuário, visando a importância da aprendizagem em contexto local.

Ao longo dos diferentes momentos de trabalho, serão expostos casos práticos com recurso a material audiovisual, apresentações e demonstrações por parte dos formadores e com oficinas e saídas de campo, orientadas para a participação ativa dos formandos.

A metodologia de trabalho ao longo da ação baseiam-se, fundamentalmente, em: discussão e reflexão em cada uma das sessões; atividades de cariz prático, nomeadamente nas oficinas, saídas de campo, jogos ambientais e cooperativos; desenvolvimento de propostas de abordagem das atividades em contextos locais; reflexão crítica sobre as atividades desenvolvidas e sobre a sua utilização pedagógica; e elaboração de projetos de intervenção local. A agenda ainda conta com um encontro da direção da Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental da Guiné-Bissau  e tomada de posse da direção da mesma.

O curso resulta do protocolo de parceria entre a ASPEA e o Instituto Marítimo e Portuário da Guiné-Bissau que, segundo o presidente da associação, Joaquim Ramos Pinto, tem com missão e objetivos “dinamizar as atividades de Educação Ambiental e Responsabilidade Social na Guiné-Bissau com um programa anual de atividades com formação de técnicos, enquadramento de estágios, e assessoria da dinamização de projetos. Também estão previstas a organização de seminários e congressos e a edição de materiais técnicos e pedagógicos e de comunicação ambiental”.

No âmbito desta missão estão previstas reuniões ao mais alto nível da delegação da ASPEA com a ministra da Educação Nacional, Odete Costa Semedo; o secretário de Estado dos Transportes e Comunicações, João Bernardo Vieira; o secretário de Estado do Ambiente, Seco Cassamá; e o Presidente do Instituto Marítimo e Portuário da República da Guiné-Bissau, Carlos da Silva.


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