Tanzania: Parents urged to be involved in sex education

África/Tanzania/28 Agosto 2016/Fuente:dailynews /Autor: Hilda Mhagama

Resumen:  La promoción de la educación sexual integral en las escuelas es crucial para disminuir las posibilidades de los jóvenes de embarazo o enfermedades de transmisión sexual. A pesar de que algunos maestros en el país se sienten nerviosos o provisional para hacer frente a los sujetos del sexo a sus alumnos, los temas siguen siendo cruciales para que los niños entiendan.

Promoting comprehensive sex education in schools is crucial towards lessening chances of young people from pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.

Even though some teachers in the country feel nervous or tentative in tackling sex subjects to their students, the topics remain crucial for children to understand them.

Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Ms Ummy Mwalimu, said while parents and guardians should be the primary sex educators to their children, many parents may need support, resources and expertise from schools and other organisations to better accomplish this.

«It is obvious that teachers may feel overwhelmed about where to start or confused about what to teach and when to teach it, but let children know the value of their bodies and protect them,» she explained.

Fuente de la noticia: http://dailynews.co.tz/index.php/home-news/52874-parents-urged-to-be-involved-in-sex-education

Fuente de la imagen:http://dailynews.co.tz/images/Frequent/UMMYNEW.jpg

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