Ghana: Education ministry lied; feeding grants still unpaid – TTAG

Ghana/Enero de 2017/Fuente: Citi 97.3 Fm

RESUMEN: La Asociación de Traineres de Maestros de Ghana (TTAG) ha calificado como falsas las declaraciones del Ministerio de Educación de que ha liberado una cantidad de GH ¢ 50.532.000 para el pago de subsidios de alimentación para aprendices de maestros. La asociación ha intensificado en los últimos tiempos su llamamiento al Ministerio para que libere fondos para sus subsidios de alimentación, que ha estado en mora por unos tres semestres. Pero el Ministerio en un comunicado la semana pasada dijo que había pagado la cantidad. Jonathan Apam, Presidente de TTAG en una entrevista con Citi News, dijo: «Hemos comprobado de NCTE y el dinero no está allí y el Ministerio de Educación nos ha dado un memorando diciendo que nos han dado el dinero. Así que encontramos esto como un engaño. «

The Teacher Trainee Association of Ghana (TTAG), has described as false, claims by the Ministry of Education that it has released an amount of GH¢50,532,000 for the payment of feeding grants for teacher trainees.

The association has in recent times intensified its call on the Ministry to release funds for their feeding grants, which has been in arrears for some three semesters.

But the Ministry in a statement last week said it had paid the amount.

Jonathan Apam, President of TTAG in an interview with Citi News said, “We have checked from NCTE and the money is not there and the Ministry of Education has given us a memo saying that they have given the money to us. So we find this as a deception.”

He said the Education Ministry must come clear on which agency or institution it purportedly paid the arrears to, so that the association will follow up to receive their monies.

Mr. Apam said he believes the Ministry’s claims of payment is only meant to diffuse the tension created by the association following its public outcry over the situation.

The Ministry in a press statement earlier said it has released a total of GH¢50,532,000 for the payment of grants for public Colleges of Education across the country.

According to a press statement signed by the Head of Public Relations, Dan Osman Mwin, the amount released covers arrears for the second semester of the 2014/15 academic year, as well as the first half of the second semesters of the 2015/16 academic year.

The group attempted to picket at the premises of the Education Ministry and the Ghana Education Service (GES) on Wednesday, to demand the payment of the feeding grants, but were stopped by the Police.

Earlier this year, the government scrapped allowances of teacher and nursing trainees, and promised to pay them feeding grants. But according to TTAG, government has not fulfilled the promise.


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