Kenia: New degree holders win big as TSC shortlists 7,000 for promotions

Kenia / 22 de marzo de 2017 / Por: OUMA WANZALA / Fuente:

The Teachers Service Commission has shortlisted 7,000 more teachers for 10,000 vacancies.

This is in addition to 20,057, others were to be interviewed last month as the commission seeks to hire principals, headmasters and deputies in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. The positions were advertised in September last year.

“The shortlisted candidates include primary school headteachers and deputies serving in Job Group G and H who have acquired a Bachelor of Education degree,” said TSC’s Kihumba Kamotho Kihumba in a statement on Monday.

“Others are teachers, deputies and headteachers in Job Group L who will be interviewed for promotion to Job Group M. Headteachers, principals, curriculum support officers and lecturers serving in Job Group M will be interviewed for posts in Job Group N,” he said, and asked teachers to view the short list on the TSC’s website.


“Interview dates and venues will be communicated to the teachers by respective TSC County Directors,” he said.

Last year in August, the Commission promoted 5,171 teachers to Job Group H and J after completing the teacher proficiency course.

Another 1,305 were promoted to Job Groups P, Q and R through competitive interviews.

The positions were previously filled through direct appointments, a practice which created opportunities for abuse by the hiring teams.

The new recruitment policy was launched last year after the TSC stopped promoting teachers based on the number of years in service.

The collective bargaining agreement (CBA) that was signed last year between the teachers’ unions and the TSC states that teachers can only be promoted on the basis of their performance in school and not experience.

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