Papua Nueva Guinea: Education Department does not support calls for PM O’Neill to resign : Kondra

Oceanía/Papua Nueva Guinea/julio de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News

Resumen: El Departamento de Educación de la Nación no va a dejar de trabajar. El secretario de Educación en funciones el Dr. Uke Kombra, dijo que «somos el gobierno y no vamos a dejar de trabajar» Estaba respondiendo a la propuesta ultimátum de 48 horas que se le dio al primer ministro Peter O’Neill, de renunciar o habrá un paro nacional

The Nation Department of Education will not stop work. Acting Education Secretary Dr. Uke Kombra, said «we are the government and we will not stop work» He was responding to the proposed 48 hours ultimatum that was given to Prime Minster Peter O’Neill to step down or there will be a nationwide stop work on Wednesday.

Dr Kombra said that he is not aware of the call for stop work and neither is his department involved.

The stop work call came from representatives from the Aviation, Marine and Telecommunications Industry, schools and the transport sector. Spokesperson and Lawyer Mr Moses Murray said “If the Prime Minister does not step down within the 48 hours given, then he can expect all major sectors and industries in the country to stop work by Wednesday morning”

Mr Murray also added that, “The Prime Minster has bluntly turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to issues not only on the current crises, but also on a number of serious allegations leveled against him which are still outstanding.” PNGFM / PNG Today

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