Uganda: School Stuck With Marijuana-Smoking Pupils

África/Uganda/13 Agosto 2016/Fuente y Autor:ugandaradionetwork

Resumen: De acuerdo con las autoridades escolares, alrededor de  30 alumnos confesaron fumar marihuana durante una investigación. Y los alumnos de fumar marihuana a menudo incitan a sus compañeros de clase para perseguir a los profesores en sus aulas, todo esto fue revelado durante la investigación.

Marijuana usage has been proven among at least 30 pupils of Muyumbu primary school in Kyanamira sub-county in the western Kabale district and police has been asked to intervene.

According to school authorities, about 30 pupils confessed to smoking marijuana during an inquiry. And the marijuana smoking pupils often incite classmates to chase teachers from classrooms, the inquiry has found.

Charles Akankwasa, the head teacher of Muyumbu primary school, said he launched an inquiry after he was quietly told early last term that some of his pupils were smoking marijuana. He said during the inquiry, some of the pupils, mostly from marijuana-growing areas, confessed to smoking the banned substance.

Akankwasa said they have since reported the matter to police and the district leadership for possible intervention. According to Akankwasa, marijuana-smoking pupils are largely undisciplined, often absent from school and disrespect teachers.

A parent at the school, who declined to be named, said his son is a marijuana smoker. He said his son started smoking the banned substance after his friends convinced him that he would become strong.

Henry Alyang, the officer in charge of the Criminal Intelligence and Investigations department at Kabale Central police station, said marijuana growing and smoking have become a serious challenge to the district authorities.

According to Alyang, marijuana is openly grown in Ruhija and Ikumba sub-counties, among others. He said they have launched a crackdown on producers and consumers.

Sabit Kenneth Baabo, the Kabale district education officer, said in an interview that the situation at Muyumbu primary school is worrying and needs to be addressed immediately. Bridget Tumwesigye, the Kabale LC-V vice chairperson, decried the rate at which people in Kyanamira sub-county are growing marijuana.

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