Francia: New school year to include terror attack drills for French students

Europa/Francia/26 de Agosto de 2016/Fuente: France 24

RESUMEN: El Ministro de Educación Najat Vallaud-Belkacem y Ministro del Interior, Bernard Cazeneuve anunciaron una serie de medidas para mejorar la formación en las escuelas francesas y enseñar a los niños a manejar las amenazas terroristas. Se les enseñará cómo ocultar o para escapar, dependiendo de la situación y dónde están.
Todos los estudiantes de edades 13-14 y representantes de la clase también recibirán una formación básica sobre las medidas de salvamento. Vallaud-Belkacem, dijo, a partir de ahora, sólo el 30 por ciento de los estudiantes son entrenados.En preescolar y jardín de infancia, para niños de 2 a 6, se debe hacer ninguna mención de un ataque o un peligro, pero los niños debe ser enseñados a ocultarse y guardar silencio a través de juegos, dijo Vallaud-Belkacem.
«No es una cuestión de sucumbir al pánico o en la paranoia, sino simplemente para hacer frente a nuestras responsabilidades», dijo Vallaud-Belkacem, señalando el ataque del radical islámico Mohamed Merah en una escuela judía en 2012 en el suroeste de la ciudad de Toulouse.

French schools will now hold three security drills a year – including one in which an alleged assailant enters their premises – as the French government ramps up security measures after a string of deadly extremist attacks.

Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve announced a series of measures Wednesday to improve how French schools and children handle terror threats.

Students will be taught how to hide or to escape, depending on the situation and where they are.

All students aged 13-14 and class representatives will also get a basic training on life-saving measures. Vallaud-Belkacem said, as of now, only 30 percent of students are trained.

In pre-school and kindergarten, for children aged 2 to 6, no mention of an attack or a danger should be made but children must be taught to hide and keep quiet through games, Vallaud-Belkacem said.

«It’s not a question of succumbing to panic or into paranoia, but simply to face our responsibilities,» Vallaud-Belkacem said, noting Islamic radical Mohamed Merah’s attack on a Jewish school in 2012 in the southwestern city of Toulouse.

Cazeneuve said the plan aims at «preventing the risk of an attack and at the same time guaranteeing a serene atmosphere in schools.»

Other security measures are already in place since last year’s deadly attacks in Paris. Some police forces patrol in school areas and parents and students are requested to avoid gathering near schools and systematically report any suspicious behavior or object.

School principals will hold meetings with parents to detail the security measures at the beginning of the school year in September.

The government has also decided to provide 50 million euros ($56.2 million) to local councils – in charge of the school buildings – to help them pay for security equipment such as video door phones and new alarm systems.


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