Namibia: Cooperation Between Namibia-China Extends Beyond the Parliamentary Sphere

África/Namibia/03 Septiembre 2016/Fuente: y Autor: Allafrica

Resumen: El Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi acompañado por el principal miemrbo de gobierno, Hon.Evelyn Nawases-Taeyele realiza una visita oficial a China por invitación de su homólogo HE Zhang Dejiang, Presidente del Comité Permanente de la Asamblea Popular Nacional (APN). La visita oficial fue una consolidación de la excelente relación bilateral existente entre los dos parlamentos.

he Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi; accompanied by the Government Chief Whip, Hon.Evelyn Nawases-Taeyele is on an official visit to China at the invitation of his counterpart H.E. Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC). The NPC is the national legislature of the China and with 2 936 Members of Parliament, is the largest parliamentary body in the world.

The official visit was a consolidation of the existing excellent bilateral relationship between the two parliaments. At the meeting of the Presiding Officers of Parliament that was held at the Great Hall of the People on 29 August, Speaker Katjavivi said that the cooperation ties between the Parliaments of China and Namibia extend beyond the parliamentary sphere, when he said that «both countries have since Namibia’s independence maintained healthy bilateral relations and achieved commendable results in various areas of cooperation such as politics, economy, trade, culture, education, infrastructure development, science and technology, public health and information exchanges».

He further emphasized the importance of maintaining and promoting excellent working relationship between the Legislative bodies of the two countries. He stressed that «as partners we should seek to deepen the sectors of engagement and coordination in this very important relationship». Chairman Dejaing on his part echoed the importance of the Namibia-China relationship that is built on mutual respect and trust and eluded that «legislators should continue to create favorable conditions for the enhanced relationship between the two countries».

The two Presiding Officers underscored the essential role that Parliaments could play in engaging their citizens through the use of ICT’s, by strategically working together to ensure the mutual beneficial development of both nations. Efforts are being made to look at particular parliamentary committees that maybe part of such an undertaking. The Speaker of the National Assembly expressed gratitude to China on behalf of the people of Namibia for the «unwavering support from China» both before and after the independence of Namibia.

The Speaker further thanked his counterpart’s predecessor for the generous donation of ICT equipment to the National Assembly of Namibia in the past. He further outlined, among other things, the need to equip the National Assembly with ICT infrastructure that would include video conferencing facilities to link the National Assembly with the regions. The Speaker’s delegation visited the Great Wall of China, a World Heritage site, serving as an example of the importance of preserving cultural heritage for future generations.

The delegation is also expected to visit among others, the Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Youi Foods Company, Shanghai Electric Desalination Engineering Technology Company, China Executive Leadership Academy of Pudong (CELAP), Waigaoqiao Electric Power Plant of Synergy Group and also meet with Chairpersons of various Standing Committees before the conclusion of the visit on Friday, 2 September.

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