Winston to lower Fiji school exam results, – teacher union

Oceanía/Fiji/Octubre de 2016/Fuente: RNZ

RESUMEN: El Secretario General FTU, Agni Deo Singh ha dado la noticia como consecuencias del ciclón que golpeó a Winston que  era de esperarse las clases interrumpidas y las aulas improvisadas. Singh dijo que puede haber alguna reducción en el porcentaje de pase. Se estima que unos 60.000 niños, tanto a nivel de la escuela primaria y secundaria se vieron afectados por el ciclón Winston con más de 200 escuelas que sufren algún daño. El ministro de Educación Mahendra Reddy ha pedido a los maestros, padres y tutores para apoyar a los estudiantes durante este periodo de exámenes.

FTU General Secretary Agni Deo Singh has told FBC News that this was to be expected given the disrupted classes and makeshift classrooms in the aftermath of Cyclone Winston which struck in February.

Mr Singh said there won’t be the quality of passes that would have been expected otherwise and there may be some reduction in the percentage pass.

An estimated 60,000 children at both the primary and secondary school level were affected by Cyclone Winston with over 200 schools experiencing some damage.

The education minister Mahendra Reddy has called on teachers, parents and guardians to support students during this exam period.


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