Canada: Nova Scotia to close public schools as teachers take job action

Canadá/Diciembre de 2016/Fuente: CBC News

RESUMEN: Todas las escuelas públicas de Nueva Escocia estarán cerradas el lunes mientras el gobierno liberal lanza una llave en los planes de los maestros para tomar medidas de trabajo sobre las negociaciones del contrato fracasadas recientemente. La ministra de Educación, Karen Casey, ha decidido cerrar las escuelas en toda la provincia, pero se espera que los maestros se reporten a trabajar, asi dijo a los periodistas en una conferencia de prensa el sábado por la mañana. Dijo que la provincia no está bloqueando a los maestros. El gobierno liberal dice que intenta imponer un contrato a la unión. Los maestros de la provincia se están preparando para comenzar una acción laboral de trabajo a partir del lunes por la mañana, lo que cambiará las actividades regulares de la escuela para los estudiantes de toda la provincia.

All Nova Scotia public schools will be closed Monday as the Liberal government throws a wrench into teacher plans to take job action over recently failed contract negotiations.

Education Minister Karen Casey has decided to close schools province-wide but teachers are still expected to report to work, she told reporters at a press conference Saturday morning.

She said the province is not locking out teachers. The Liberal government says it intends to try to impose a contract on the union.

Teachers in the province are getting ready to begin work-to-rule job action starting Monday morning, which will change the regular school activities for students across the province.

‘Unsafe environment’

The Nova Scotia Teachers Union has directed educators to only go to school 20 minutes before class and leave 20 minutes after class, and not volunteer to supervise breaks.

The union has said it is taking precautions for student safety, like having principals available, but the province has disagreed.

«Job actions could put students in unsafe environment,» Casey said.

«Students could be left unsupervised. That’s unacceptable.»

The short-notice announcement has left parents scrambling for urgent childcare. Both English and French school boards are affected.


Union president Liette Doucet called the province’s actions «heavy-handed» after the announcement Saturday.

«I would characterize [the move as] a means to create some division with the public, who’s supporting teachers, to make it seem like teachers were not going to ensure student safety,» she said.

«We’ve made it pretty clear that our first priority was student safety.»

By early Saturday evening, the union’s executive said educators will be at schools for work on Monday. They will meet again Sunday evening to discuss.

On Monday, the Nova Scotia House of Assembly will reconvene and the Liberal government will introduce a bill to impose a contract on the province’s 9,300 teachers.

It’s the deal members rejected Sept. 2.

Because the proposed law will establish a new contract between teachers and the province, it will also remove teachers’ ability to work-to-rule or strike.

Casey said in the meantime teachers are expected to show up to work, and as soon as legislation passes, «they’ll be back to work as usual.»

Vow to stall ‘bullying tactics’

Leaders from both opposition political parties vowed to stall the legislation as long as possible.

Official opposition Leader Jamie Baillie of the Progressive Conservative Party accused the Liberals of «making up» safety concerns.

«This is condemning students to time without classrooms, it’s condemning taxpayers to years and millions of dollars in litigation and no classroom condition is going to be improved,» he said.

«We will use the legislature to express our complete opposition to bullying tactics. We’re voting no.»

New Democratic Party Leader Gary Burrill called the suggestion that teachers would jeopardize student safety «tremendously insulting» since teachers have asked for more in-school support for years.

«What the government has said to them today is ‘shut up and get back to work,'» he said.

«It’s anti-democratic, it’s anti-education and it’s anti-moral.»

Talks between teachers and the Nova Scotia government broke off Nov. 25.


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