Canadá: Westerfield College, Canada partner on foreign education

Canadá/Enero de 2017/Autor:Amaka Abayomi/Fuente: Vanguard

RESUMEN: WESTERFIELD Collegein, en colaboración con el gobierno de Canadá, ha lanzado el Programa de la Fundación Canadá, CFP, con el objetivo de ofrecer a más estudiantes nigerianos oportunidades de estudiar en el Norte El Sr. Marc-Andre Savage, Primer Secretario, Alto Comisionado Adjunto de Canadá, quien representó al Alto Comisionado Adjunto, dijo que la asociación es para consolidar la sinergia existente en las escuelas nigerianas y canadienses. Sus palabras «En 2016, había más de 10.000 estudiantes nigerianos en varias instituciones canadienses. Esto se debe a que Canadá está en los tres primeros países para vivir y la educación de calidad es nuestro foco principal, ya que estas escuelas están ocupadas por personas que son apasionadas por la educación. Vender a Canadá como el destino preferido del estudio nos ayudaría a alcanzar nuestro objetivo de proporcionar educación de primera clase e internacional para los nigerianos «.

WESTERFIELD Collegein partnership with the government of Canada, has launched the Canada FoundationProgramme, CFP, aimed at offering more Nigerian students opportunities to study in the North

Mr. Marc-Andre Savage, First Secretary, Canada Deputy High Commission, who represented the Deputy High Commissioner, said the partnership is to cement the synergy existing Nigerian and Canadian schools. His words “As at 2016, there were over 10,000 Nigerian students in various Canadian institutions.
This is because Canada is in the top three countries to live in and quality education is our main focus as these schools are manned by people who are passionate about education. Selling Canada as the preferred study destination would help us achieve our goal of providing top notch and internationalising education for Nigerians.” On how the partnership would work, the CEO, Westerfield College, Mr. Mike Dosumu, said students would do one year with Westerfield then proceed to complete the remaining three years in Canada.
Education destinations He said “Canada is understated but is one of the best countries in the world and is ranked as one of the top three education destinations. Instead of selling Canada as a destination, we would get students to do one year in Nigeria and three years in Canada. This way, we would help parents save over 50,000 Canadian dollars.” On why Canada, the vice president, North West Community College, Canada, Mr. Justin Kohlman, said the quality of education and safety of students are two of the top reasons why people choose to study in Canada. He said “The Canadian education system is such that the first two years are spent at the colleges while the remaining two years are at the varsities. But if you do one year with Westerfield College, you now spend one year at the college and two at the varsity in Canada.
We do most of our learning outside the classroom to complement what is being taught and the teachers know each student by their names and have their phone numbers. Students also have the opportunity to complete the last two varsity years outside Canada.”

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