Paris 2024 reaches millions of children in France with the launch of a landmark legacy program

Francia/Enero de 2017/Fuente:

RESUMEN: El comienzo de la «Semana Olímpica y Paralímpica» inaugural se celebra en escuelas de toda Francia. El innovador y atractivo proyecto de herencia de París 2024 se llevará a cabo anualmente como parte del plan de estudios de Educación Nacional. Su objetivo es introducir a los jóvenes en los deportes olímpicos y paraolímpicos reforzando el vínculo entre la comunidad educativa y el movimiento deportivo. El lanzamiento del evento tuvo lugar en París en el Colegio Buffon. Entre los asistentes figuraban el Copresidente de París 2024, Bernard Lapasset; Medallista de plata de boxeo en Río 2016, Sarah Ourahmoune; Francia Equipo paraolímpico portador de la bandera en Río (tenis en silla de ruedas), Michaël Jérémiasz; Medalla de plata de baloncesto en Londres 2012, Emmeline NDongue; Y Pierre-Yves Bournazel, encargado del proyecto olímpico y paraolímpico para la región de Ile-de-France. La iniciativa fue lanzada en colaboración con el Comité Nacional Olímpico y Deportivo de Francia (CNOSF), el Ministerio de Educación, las federaciones escolares y universitarias y el Comité Paralímpico y Deportivo Francés (CPSF).

The start of the inaugural ‘Olympic and Paralympic Week’ is being celebrated in schools across France. The innovative and engaging legacy project of Paris 2024 will take place annually as part of the National Education curriculum. It aims to introduce young people to Olympic and Paralympic sports strengthening the link between the education community and the sports movement.

The launch of the event took place in Paris at the College Buffon. Those in attendance included Paris 2024 Co-Chair, Bernard Lapasset; boxing silver medalist at Rio 2016, Sarah Ourahmoune; France Paralympic team flag bearer in Rio (wheelchair tennis), Michaël Jérémiasz; basketball silver medalist at London 2012, Emmeline NDongue; and Pierre-Yves Bournazel who was in charge of the Olympic and Paralympic project for the Ile-de-France region. The initiative was launched in partnership with the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), Ministry of Education, school and university federations, and French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF).

The inaugural celebration of education, sport, and values is all a part of Paris 2024’s ‘Year of Olympism.’ The celebration is expected to reach over one million children in the first year. A new generation of socially connected and passionate young people will witness first-hand the power of Olympism.

«This initiative perfectly illustrates the spirit that drives us…We want to use the Games as a catalyst and leave a strong legacy that benefits the people of France, especially the youth. We are determined to deliver Games of both passion and purpose. Within the framework of our ‘Year of Olympism, from school to university’, we will help young people access sport while sharing the spirit Olympism and its values with future generations,» expressed Lapasset.

The week-long initiative will take place every January making it a permanent fixture on the calendars of schools and universities across France. It will form a critical part of Paris 2024’s legacy and education program. Top athletes have mobilized behind this initiative to share their time and experiences with schools throughout the week.

The participating schools will end up balancing their teaching time between general education and physical and sport activities. General education will use sport as a teaching tool in subjects including Geography, History, Mathematics, and English. Children will be introduced to a variety of Olympic disciplines, while also learning the cultural dimension of sport, the idea of shared sport between able-bodied and disabled children, which will help change the way disability is viewed.

CPSF President, Emmanuelle Assmann commented, «Our bid for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will inspire a world where diversity can act as a catalyst for development and integration. It is the solidarity and determination of Generation 2024 that will build a society where everyone works together towards a common goal and a sustainable future. It is therefore essential to support and share the values of Olympism and Paralympism with youth.»

Paris is bidding against Budapest and Los Angeles to host the summer Games and the IOC will vote on their final host city on September 13th in Lima, Peru.


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