Tanzania: Morogoro Teachers College Laments Over Parcelled Out Land

Resumen: Maestros del Colegio Morogoro han lamentado la decisión de las autoridades municipales para anexionarse parte de su tierra y distribuirla a los individuos. De acuerdo con la gestión de la universidad, esto no era la primera vez que su tierra fue parcelada y distribuida a las personas, algo que ha causado la universidad para quedarse con sólo una pequeña porción de tierra para sus actividades.

Morogoro — The Morogoro Teachers College has lamented over the decision by the municipal authorities to annex part of its land and distribute it to individuals.

According to the college management, this was not the first time their land was parcelled and distributed to individuals, something that has caused the college to remain with only a small portion of land for its activities.

The principal of the college, Mr August Sahili, told The Citizen that for a very long time they have been applying to have their land surveyed, but all has been in futile.

«We’ve even twice paid for this matter with the municipal council, and we have written a number times to remind them, but there has been no response forthcoming and no action at all,» said Mr Sahili.

 He revealed that records showed that in 2004 the college paid a total of Sh2.1 million and in 2011 it paid Sh3 million for the survey of its land, but this has not happened.

Mr Sahili said since the college was established over 50 years ago, its land has been being parcelled out and plots allocated to individuals, thus sometimes fuelling disputes with the college management.

Responding to the allegations, Municipal’s Communications officer Lilian Henerico said there were no any records showing that the college had ever requested to have its land surveyed.

«I have spoken to our Land Officer on this matter. He told me that there were no records of any kind that the college ever applied to have its land surveyed,» she said, asking the collage authorities to write a letter indicating that they had applied for the matter.

Fuente de la noticia: http://allafrica.com/stories/201704140370.html

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