Estados Unidos: Worcester Prep student appointed to the United States Merchant Marine Academy

Estados Unidos/Mayo de 2017/Fuente: Delmarvanow

Resumen:  Reid Carey, residente de Worcester Prep School y residente de Dagsboro, recibió su nombramiento en la Academia de Marina Mercante de los Estados Unidos durante la convocatoria de la escuela el 24 de mayo. Carey es uno de aproximadamente 250 estudiantes en la nación para recibir una cita a la academia. Su comisión vino del Teniente Coronel jubilado Steve Rakow de las Reservas de Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos. «Estoy feliz de estar aquí esta noche para honrar a Reid Carey por una cita muy distinguida que ha escuchado a la Academia de Marina Mercante de los Estados Unidos». La academia, localizada en Kings Point, Nueva York, entrena a los miembros más nuevos de los marinos de la marina de guerra de los E. para servir en sus buques. Para recibir una cita, Rakow explicó que Carey necesitaba mostrar un alto éxito académico, pasar un examen de salud y pasar un examen de aptitud física.

Reid Carey, a Worcester Prep School senior and Dagsboro resident, received his appointment to the United States Merchant Marine Academy during the school’s convocation May 24.

Carey is one of roughly 250 students in the nation to receive an appointment to the academy. His commission came from retired Lt. Col. Steve Rakow of the United States Marine Corps Reserves.

«I am happy to be here tonight to honor Reid Carey for a very distinguished appointment that he has heard to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.»

The academy, located in Kings Point, New York, trains the newest members of the U.S. Merchant Marine midshipmen to serve on its vessels.

In order to receive an appointment, Rakow explained Carey needed to show high academic success, pass a health test and pass a physical fitness test.

Carey also needed to receive a congressional appointment, of which he received three: Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., and then-Rep. John Carney, D-Del., who is now Delaware’s governor now.

«Quite an accomplishment,» Rakow said.

Rakow, though, did remind Carey that his education is being paid for by the United States government, his education won’t come free.

Carey, as a new midshipan — called a pleb — will have to go through a rigorous summer program and  follow strict rules during his first year.

Carey will also have to spend an entire year at sea on a United States Merchant Marine vessel and will have the option of either entering the Navy Reserve upon graduation or enter any of the five service branches — Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard — and serve for at least five years.

But Rakow said Carey is ready.

«Today I take great pleasure, and consider it a high honor, on behalf of Rear Admiral James Helis, the academy’s superintendent, to recognize the appointment of Reid. S. Carey to the United States Merchant Marine Academy for the class of 2021,» Rakow said. «This remarkable achievement reflects great credit upon Reid and demonstrates that he is already living up to the academy’s motto: Acta Non Verba, which is deeds, not words.»


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