Sudáfrica: DA to ask Public Protector about education ‘Jobs for Cash’

Sudáfrica/Mayo de 2017/Fuente: News 24

Resumen: La Alianza Democrática va a pedir al Protector Público que investigue el escándalo llamado «Empleos por Efectivo». El parlamentario de la AP, Gavin Davis, dijo el jueves que la ministra de Educación Básica, Angie Motshekga, dejó en claro que no tiene la voluntad política para lidiar con la participación de la Unión Sudafricana de Docentes Democráticos Sadtu en el escándalo » El miércoles, antes de presentar su presupuesto al Parlamento, Motshekga dijo: «Ninguna evidencia apunta a Sadtu, que ha sido fundamental en las mejoras que hemos visto en las escuelas rurales y pobres». Motshekga dijo que la venta de puestos continuó y que estaba siendo realizada por funcionarios del distrito.

The Democratic Alliance is going to ask the Public Protector to investigate the so-called «Jobs for Cash» scandal.

DA MP Gavin Davis said on Thursday Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has made it clear that she does not have the political will to deal with the involvement of the South African Democratic Teachers Union Sadtu in the «Jobs for Cash» scandal.

On Wednesday, before presenting her budget to Parliament, Motshekga said: «No evidence points to Sadtu‚ which has been instrumental in the improvements we have seen in rural and poor schools.»

Motshekga said the selling of posts continued and it was being done by district officials.

«We allowed them to hide because there is this big gogga [insect] called Sadtu.»

«This flies in the face of the findings contained in her Ministerial Task Team report that sets out, in no uncertain terms, Sadtu’s central role in the racket,» Davis responded on Thursday.

Inappropriate influence

According to Davis, the task team found that Sadtu bosses have captured six out nine provincial education departments, and is using its power to inappropriately influence the appointment of teachers.

Motshekga has also admitted in a letter to the South African Human Rights Council that Sadtu is involved in the «Jobs for Cash» scandal.

«The Ministerial Task Team (MTT) Report on the alleged selling of posts does point to some gaps in the management in the appointment of personnel and has made material findings and recommendations about the role of union members, particularly from Sadtu, in influencing the selection process, unduly,» she wrote in the letter.

Davis claims Motshekga’s «exoneration of Sadtu» is purely political.

«It indicates that she is more interested in securing Sadtu’s support for Cyril Ramaphosa in the run-up to the ANC conference than rooting out systemic bribery and corruption in the education system,» he said.

He said it is now up to independent institutions to hold Sadtu to account for its central role in the buying and selling of teachers’ posts.

«The DA will, therefore, be writing to the Public Protector to request that she investigates systemic bribery and corruption in the education sector at the hands of Sadtu,» he said.

«This doesn’t mean we will stop holding Minister Motshekga’s feet to the fire. We will keep using every parliamentary mechanism at our disposal to force her to act on the ‘Jobs for Cash’ report’s findings.»

Motshekga established a ministerial task team in 2015 to investigate allegations that teaching posts were sold for cash. The task team’s report was released a year ago.


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