EEUU: Experience the World: Culture & Education at the Dinner Table

EEUU/August 01, 2017/By: Sarah Rohler/Source:

Ahnnyeonghase-yo. Hej. Namaste. Hello. A greeting in any language implies the same thing; yet what makes each of them unique is the culture surrounding these everyday words. And each of these cultures are breathtaking to get to know; providing a spark of inspiration and warmth in our lives. ETC offers such an opportunity – hosting a student would mean to take in an international student for a brief term as a member of the family. Host families and students are encouraged to engage with each other as warmly and welcoming as possible; exchanging their respective cultures through pictures, stories, food, and affection.

The philosophy of ETC is to promote international goodwill and understanding through international student exchange experiences. It is our staunch belief that participating as a host to a student needing a home to stay will foster understanding and friendship between international cultures.

Education at the Dinner Table:
While in school one may memorize the various gendered pronouns of the Spanish language, or learn how to differentiate between the many homophones present in the English language; true learning of culture and life happens socially. This is especially true for life at home – whether it be through conversation at the dinner table, a small thank you whilst sharing the chores, or through showing each other humorous videos, daily life in a host family will impact the core of each exchange student and expand their worldview. These lessons are not only restricted to the student; families as well will learn about the many nuances present in a strange culture, and change the way they perceive their world.

Travelling Without Leaving Home:
A ticket to Iceland may be out of your price range; a week in Japan may be unthinkable when considering how expensive hotels are. Hosting negates all of these costs and difficulties that arise from planning a trip abroad, as families are allowed to bring a small part of this foreign culture straight into their living room. No longer will Korea or Honduras be a mere name on the map, but a dear second home that elicits countless warm memories spent with your student.

Foreign Partners:
ETC closely works with carefully screened, experienced agents that work diligently in each of the countries that offer students for hosting. Each agent painstakingly screens and examines each of the students and offers them with an orientation so that the students will be able to adjust to the United States with minimal difficulty. When the student finally arrives stateside, our partner organizations will always be available to act as a friendly liaison and counselor between the host family, ETC, and the student’s natural parents.

Special Activities:
We are highly involved with each of the host families and students that are part of the ETC family. ETC hosts fall welcome parties, monthly local activities, themed holiday parties, five (optional) trips every year, and a spring farewell picnic – all of which are available to ETC Local Coordinators, host families, and students, as a way to encourage bonding within a family-like atmosphere.

American Public High Schools:
ETC maintains a strict standard for those students who will be attending American public high schools on a J-1 visa. Each student will be placed within such a high school in their homestay community and will be required to take classes in English and American History or Civics. They are not permitted to take ESL or English immersion classes. Those students who are unable to maintain a C average are required to hire a tutor at their own expense.

Financial Responsibilities:
Host families are not required to take on the burden of the student’s financial expenses. Every student possesses comprehensive medical insurance, and are required to pay for their own personal expenses, which include but are not limited to school activity charges, class fees, clothing expenses, travel expenses, entertainment allowances, bus passes, long distance phone charges, and lunches purchased at the school. Each host family is considered as a volunteer, and are not expected to pay for such student expenses.

Learning About the World, at Home:
Each ETC foreign exchange student is brave and willing to leave family and friends for nearly ten months to broaden their horizons and learn about the culture of the United States. By considering a new short term addition to the family, host families can help courageous students out immensely, whilst learning similar things to the student themselves.

ETC is now accepting host family applications for both five-month and ten-month students. Each student speaks a proficient level of English, has been carefully screened, and will attend the host family’s local high school. Each student arrives fully covered by medical insurance and possesses their own spending money.

About Education, Travel & Culture:
Education, Travel & Culture is a non-profit [501 (c)(3)] educational exchange organization. Its purpose is to promote international understanding and goodwill by providing high quality educational and cultural exchange programs in the United States and abroad. ETC provides inbound program opportunities for high school students throughout the world to study in an American high school and live with an American family.

For more information, FAQs or even to apply to become a host family, visit or email Field Director, Brenda Ferland at

Sarah Rohler
Education, Travel & Culture

ETC Is Your Opportunity to Experience the World



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