Kenya: Quality education dependent on competence and motivation of teachers

Africa/Kenya/01-12-2019/Author(a): Claire Wanja/Source:

Quality education outcomes depend on the competence and motivation of teachers, the Country Manager of Twaweza East Africa, Dr. Emmanuel Manyasa has said.

“I would rather have children under a tree with a competent and motivated teacher than in well-constructed classrooms without such a teacher,” Manyasa.

Manyasa was speaking on the sidelines of two day Conference on the place of evidence in reforming education Reforms for Sustainable National Transformation at a Machakos hotel yesterday. The event attracted education policymakers, policy practitioners, researchers, Development partners in the Education.

Manyasa said the teacher is the most important actor in curriculum management and delivery, noting that they should be retooled and motivated at all times.

He underscored the importance of rigorous and reliable evidence as a basis for decision making.

A senior lecturer at the University of Nairobi, School of Education, Dr Andrew Riechi similarly underscored the importance of well-educated and trained teacher in ensuring quality learning outcomes in schools.

The conference aimed to provide a platform for sharing of knowledge and policy-relevant findings of high-quality research from MOE and various practitioners, researchers and academics working in the education fieldin Kenya.

It was sought to initiate discussions to promote evidence-based solutions and adoption of practices that target transformative education in Kenya; and to provide input towards the creation of an ‘evidence gap map’ that would help shape the future research agenda in the education sector.

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