Número 2 del Volumen 15 de la European Educational Research Journal.

Fuente: Lista EDU-COMP / Luis M. Naya Garmendia

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European Educacion


European Educational Research Journal

1 Mar 2016; Vol. 15, No. 2


The standards paradox: How quality assurance regimes can subvert teaching and learning in higher education

Norman Brady and Agnieszka Bates


Do ‘good students’ make better entrepreneurs than ‘bad learners’? Ninth-grade pupils’ perceptions of entrepreneurial abilities within the school’s discursive practices

Maija Korhonen, Katri Komulainen, Hannu Räty, Johanna Mattanen, and Laura Hirva


Equity in the Turkish education system: A multilevel analysis of social background influences on the mathematics performance of 15-year-old students

Caner Özdemir


Teacher diversity awareness in the context of changing demographics

Emmanuel O Acquah, Madhavi Tandon, and Sonia Lempinen


Postcolonial teacher education reform in Namibia: Travelling of policies and ideas

Inger Erixon Arreman, Per-Olof Erixon, and Karl-Gunnar Rehn

European Educational Research Journal

1 Mar 2016; Vol. 15, No. 2


Essay Review

Scarcity at school

Pedro De Bruyckere and Maarten Simons

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