Africa: PS Bujong Recursos y Apoyo para la ejecución del Proyecto de Aula


EL 29 DE ABRIL DE 2016.

Resumen: El costo de un proyecto de tres aulas en el Presbyterian School Bujong, un pueblo Bamendakwe ha saturado el PTA, administración de la escuela, la parroquia y los cristianos de esa congregación monocilíndrico han tomado la iniciativa de para  abiertamente por el apoyo de los ex alumnos de las escuelas, el público en general y las personas de buena voluntad. Bajo la guía del párroco, el reverendo Titatang Kingsley, la Asociación de Maestros y Padres, algunas personas de buena voluntad y los cristianos de la congregación, el puerto ze pasar unos 3 millon FRS para la construcción de las tres aulas estándar, dos o welke son JSON convertible de una sala adecuada, asi como  el proceso de techado, sumando el bajo  recursos para ello .expresan que: «Nos hemos llevado nuestros cristianos, los padres y algunos benefactores locales a la medida para alcanzar este nivel, el proyecto aún sigue buscando en nosotros. Esta es una comunidad pobre y hay un límite de distancia y puede salir adelante  «el Rev. Titatang Kingsley dijo a este reportero.  «Por eso estamos ampliando nuestro llamado  a todos, las hijas de este pueblo y ex alumnos de la escuela». El trabajo todavía está presente y fuerte existen pendientes en el sitio de la cubierta incluye, blanqueado, y techos, suelos, puertas y ventanas  las estructuras y, posteriormente, los bancos, mesas y sillas escolares, se estima un 40% de avance y aceptará cualquier ayuda en forma de dinero en efectivo, materiales y mano de obra.


A partial view of the three classrooms under construction

The cost of a three classroom project at Presbyterian School Bujong, Bamendakwe village has overwhelmed the PTA, school administration, parish and Christians of that congregation causing them to openly appeal for support from former pupils of the schools, the general public and people of good will.

Under the guide of the parish pastor, the Rev. Titatang kingsley, the Parents Teacher Association, some people of goodwill and Christians of the congregation, they have spend over 3 millon frs to construct the three standard classrooms, two of which are convertible into a multipurpose hall, from the foundation to the roof level, and have even started the roofing process when they run short of resources.

“We’ve pushed our Christians, parents and some local benefactors to far to reach this level, yet the project is still looking at us. This is a poor community and there is a limit to how far you can push them” the Rev. Titatang Kingsley told this reporter.

“That is why we are extending our appeal to all and in particular, sons and daughters of this village and former pupils of the school” he added.

Work still pending at the site includes the roofing, plastering, fitting of knockings and ceilings, the floors, windows and doors and putting up of black back and subsequently the benches, tables and chairs. They school authorities believe the work is about 40% completed and will accept any assistance in the form of cash, material and labour.

internal view of the classroom

Old classrooms still in use[/caption]

PS Bujong currently has 427 pupils enrolled

According to Mrs Tanue Esther Abe, the head teacher of the school who also doubles as chairperson of PC Ntenefor and the Bujung Congregation, PS Bujong started in 1964 as an annex to PS Bamendakwe, today the school has an enrollment of 427 pupils, the biggest in the managerial area and second only to GS Army Camp Up Station in Bamenda I Council Area. The school has a total of 10 teachers and also operates a nursery section. PS Bujong has passed out thousands of pupils over the years including a majority of the elites of Bamendakwe village.

Beside this, the congregation has its hands full with another project, the construction of a church house at PC Ntenefor. Here, the dwindling mission station is in dire need of a Sheppard to guide them and lead the way forward.

The Rev. Titatang Kingsley said they have already raised the sum of 1.2 million Frs that would be used to construct a church house with a capacity of 1500 places to replace the old church that is already to small. They have already started with the laying of foundation blocks and intend to raise some 40 pillars that would hold the structure and the roof for gradual completion of the work. The church would be constructed on a piece of land recently acquired, close to the old church.

PC Ntenefor in need of a bigger structure


sand, stones and gravel to be used to construct the foundation of the new church at Ntenefor

But the Rev. Titatang says all has not been rosy for them. As soon as they excavated the land, an imposter appeared from abroad, claiming that the land belongs to him and causing the administration to place an injunction on any construction work on the piece of land. This however has been sorted out, with the imposter backing down.





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