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Japan: Brazil makes media studies compulsory in schools


Brazil has taken a stand against the explosion of “fake news” stories swamping the internet by making media analysis studies compulsory for schoolchildren.

“The aim is to teach students to identify fake news, and now it’s part of the national curriculum because the country has decided it’s necessary,” said Leandro Beguoci, editorial director at Brazilian education specialists Nova Escola.

“The proliferation of social media networks have created an urgent situation in this respect,” Beguoci said.

Media analysis studies became compulsory in December 2017, but have been offered alongside traditional subjects like mathematics and history for years in some Brazilian schools.

Kayo Rodrigues, 14, said the Brazilian press is not perfect, but plays a vital role in combating fake news “because not everyone has the internet or the tools to check facts.”

She enrolled in the “Young Press” program launched six years ago in the Casa Blanca public school in Sao Paulo.

At Casa Blanca, teachers Lucilene Varandas and Hildenor Gomes do Santos ensure their students, aged eight to 14, know not to take everything they watch or read at face value.

“When I receive a piece of information, I look for it on the internet and ask myself if it’s true,” said Helena Vital, 11, whose parents are teachers. She said the program has taught her to view the media from a different perspective.

The children do not have the tools to systematically check everything, but “they look at the articles, who wrote them, who could be interested in them and where they’re published, which are all ways of questioning the information,” said Varandas, who is looking to create partnerships with fact-checking agencies to expand the children’s education.

The measures seem to be working despite the children’s young age.

“All it takes is one click to share false news; this project teaches me to think about my clicks,” said Rodrigues, daughter of a shopkeeper and a manicurist.

The students enrolled in “Young Press” have also been analyzing local media stories about the project, and even found inaccuracies.

Social media presence huge

With a population of almost 208 million people, Brazil has a massive social media presence: 120 million WhatsApp users, more than 100 million people on Facebook and another 50 million signed up to Instagram.

“In the past, kids were taught by their parents, but now that happens through a variety of means, something which alters the role of the school,” said Beguoci, a trained journalist.

“What’s so interesting in Brazil is that media and technological literacy are considered as important as classical literacy.”

Beguoci denies that information analysis is an additional burden on the education system, saying it rather offers “a context that can improve education.”

“We’re talking about things that are part of the student’s world,” he said.

For Veronica Martins Cannata, who coordinates technology and communication studies at the private Dante Alighieri school, children have their own responsibility when it comes to fake news.

“Technology has facilitated communication, but the time has come to question its content,” she said.

“As natives of the digital age, children and teenagers must take the responsibility to analyze that content before reproducing it.”

Dante Alighieri has been analyzing media content for 11 years and has also brought the fight against fake news into the classroom.

Children are born “with ingenuity,” but at school they acquire “a critical eye and no longer consume information in the same way,” said Martins Cannata.


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England: IAEA nurtures nuclear education in Asia Pacific


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held the first in a series of six regional training courses for secondary school science teachers last month in Indonesia. The courses aim to equip teachers in Asia Pacific to inspire a new generation of nuclear scientists and engineers by engaging students and enhancing their understanding of nuclear science and technology.

The first two-week course was attended by 26 teachers from 17 countries. The course comprised presentations, laboratory work and technical visits to Indonesia’s National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan). It also served a good opportunity for teachers from different countries to network and exchange experiences in teaching. The IAEA said the course marks the first time that it had formally engaged with the secondary education teaching community.

The participants were introduced to diverse methods of teaching nuclear science and technology to children aged 12-18 in an effective and engaging manner. The IAEA said it hoped the attendees will become mentors to other teachers in their countries. «This way, the project aims to reach one million students by 2021,» it said.

Sunil Sabharwal, a radiation processing specialist at the IAEA, said: «The idea is to introduce teachers to the link between the key role being played by nuclear science in enhancing the quality of our everyday life and the simple nuclear concepts being taught in schools as well as to provide them with innovative methods to deliver this knowledge to students through academic as well as extra-curricular approaches.»

Following the course, Jordanian teacher Amal Al-Khassawneh said, «The training course provided me with the necessary confidence, courage and knowledge to talk about the real facts of nuclear science with students.»

The course followed a Regional Workshop on Curriculum Development and Launching of Nuclear Science and Technology for Secondary Schools that took place in the Philippines in February. During an earlier workshop, in Japan, a regional nuclear science and technology competency framework was established that serves as reference for national educational curriculums. The IAEA said the competency framework was crucial in the preparation of the training course in Indonesia.

The next regional training course for secondary school teachers will take place at the Argonne National Laboratory in the USA in August. The following four will take place in Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Australia this year and next.

Between 2012 and 2016, the IAEA and experts from Australia, India, Israel, Japan, South Korea and the USA developed a compendium that collects unique teaching strategies and materials to introduce science and technology in education systems across Asian countries. This compendium was piloted in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and the UAE and reached 24,000 students. The IAEA said the pilot demonstrated that students «were more receptive to learning about nuclear science and technology when teachers used a diverse set of methods, which also increased their problem-solving skills».

The IAEA said an updated version of the compendium will be prepared over the coming years.

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Venezuela: El Ejecutivo Nacional impulsará políticas sociales para garantizar la educación gratuita

América del Sur/Venezuela/23.07.18/Fuente:

El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, enalteció el esfuerzo y entrega de los estudiantes venezolanos destacados en su consecución académica y ratificó el impulso a las políticas sociales para seguir apoyando a la juventud.

Su comentario lo expresó este sábado a través del Twitter, a propósito de la entrega, el pasado viernes, por parte del ministro para la Educación, Elías Jaua, de los certificados a mil cinco bachilleres con los mejores promedios en educación media del país, en un acto que se celebró en la Plaza Bicentenario del Palacio de Miraflores, Caracas.

La joven Ariadne Chirinos fue una de las jóvenes reconocidas, cuya semblanza fue compartida en la red social por el mandatario nacional a partir de una nota de Prensa Presidencial.

“En Venezuela gracias a la Revolución Bolivariana, jóvenes como Ariadne Chirinos se benefician con educación gratuita y de calidad, desde primaria hasta sus estudios universitarios. Nuestra juventud se forma para construir la Venezuela del futuro”, es el mensaje con el cual el jefe de Estado compartió la publicación.

La joven Ariadne Chirinos, egresada como bachiller en Ciencias del Liceo Bolivariano Pedro Rolingson Herrera, ubicado en Píritu, estado Anzoátegui, acumuló un promedio de 19,50 puntos y manifestó: “El futuro de los jóvenes está en Venezuela, no en otros países. Con perseverancia vamos a sacar el país adelante”.

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Puerto Rico: Condenan la reasignación de maestros

Centro América/Puerto Rico/Fuente:

La Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico (FMPR) denunció ayer que, tal y como lo advirtió en audiencias públicas en el Senado hace un año, el Departamento de Educación ha ubicado a unos 1,200 maestros permanentes en proyectos donde tendrán que cambiar forzosamente sus categorías y los cursos que imparten.

“Confirmado. Miles de educadores designados a la fuerza a proyectos especiales tendrán que ofrecer cursos que no son para los que estudiaron y fueron certificados y, si en dos años no logran los requisitos para la plaza que se les impuso, serán despedidos. Así lo admitió la secretaria de Educación, Julia Keleher, tras días de zozobra para miles de maestros y maestras declarados excedentes o recursos disponibles”, aseguró Mercedes Martínez Padilla, presidenta del sindicato magisterial.

Añadió que “el Departamento de Educación ha cerrado cientos de escuelas y aumentado el tope de estudiantes por salón para reducir la cantidad de maestros necesarios. Todo esto se hace en detrimento de la calidad de la enseñanza y el aprovechamiento académico de los niños y niñas”.

Según la líder gremial, “la secretaria Keleher ubicó en esta condición a unos 3,600 docentes permanentes, de los cuales 1,200 han sido señalados para proyectos especiales. La amenaza para los que no acepten esta precaria situación es que, de no hacerlo, perderán sus empleos”.

En declaraciones a la prensa, Keleher indicó que “lo que estoy tratando de evitar es decirle que no necesito de sus servicios y quedas despedido”.

“Esto constituye un chantaje descarado para que los maestros acepten este abuso. Si el gobierno respondiera a las necesidades de los niños y niñas, mantendría las escuelas abiertas, ofreciendo un currículo amplio y elevaría los niveles de excelencia de la enseñanza. Establecería periodos de 50 minutos para ampliar la oferta curricular, integrando bellas artes, cursos vocacionales, salud escolar y cursos electivos. No habría personal en exceso”, sostuvo Martínez.

Movimientos apoyados en ley

El Proyecto del Senado 563, convertido en la Ley 84 del 7 de agosto de 2017, faculta a la secretaria de Educación para llevar a cabo estas reubicaciones de educadores. La FMPR se opuso a esta medida, propuesta por el senador novoprogresista Abel Nazario Quiñones, y presentó un memorial explicativo en el que se opuso a que no se convocara al magisterio a audiencias públicas en un tema tan importante.

Martínez señaló que “en adición a los maestros permanentes que ubicarán en proyectos especiales, los cierres de escuelas dejarán fuera a sobre 3,000 transitorios este año, muchos de los cuales calificaban para sus permanencias, pero, en violación a la Ley 312, no se les otorgó. Se trata de un despido disfrazado”.

“Reasignar maestros a cursos y especialidades que no estudiaron, ni tienen la aptitud, es un claro atropello. El maestro ya estudió unas materias a base de sus intereses y capacidades y nadie puede obligarle a certificarse en otra área para la que posiblemente no tiene destrezas, máxime cuando su contrato con el DE (formulario 409) señala claramente la categoría para la que fue reclutado”, afirmó Martínez.

Opinó que “los maestros y maestras en esta situación deben impugnar estas reubicaciones. La Federación de Maestros representará a sus afiliados en las vistas que se señalen en sus casos y se mantendrá firme defendiendo los derechos del magisterio”.


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Rise in women travelling from Northern Ireland to England for abortions

By James Tapper

Campaigners say having different abortion laws on either side of Irish border breaches Good Friday agreement

The number of women travelling from Northern Ireland to have an abortion in England has jumped dramatically since the government set up a special hotline in March.

A total of 342 women and girls – including at least one 12-year-old – went to England for a termination through the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) in the three months since March: a significant increase on the 190 women who travelled to use the same service in the previous nine months.

The figures have been released as pressure mounts on the government to repeal 19th-century legislation that prevents women from having an abortion in Northern Ireland. It is now the only part of Europe apart from Malta where abortion is illegal, after the Irish referendum in May.

On Wednesday, Theresa May will meet Leo Varadkar, the taoiseach, for the first intergovernmental conference between Britain and Ireland since 2007.

A letter to the leaders, signed by 173 parliamentarians from every major political party in Ireland and the UK, calls for the repeal of sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. In England, Wales and Scotland, the legislation has been superseded by the Abortion Act 1967 and other legislation, but it does not apply in Ulster.

Campaigners including Stella Creasy, the Walthamstow MP, who is one of the letter’s signatories, say that having different abortion laws in Ireland and Northern Ireland is a breach of the Good Friday agreement, which commits both governments to having equivalent legislation on both sides of the border.

Creasy called the letter an unprecedented intervention. She said: “We cannot let the human rights of women of Northern Ireland be forgotten. Our duty under the Good Friday agreement is to protect them, not let Theresa May sacrifice them to the political expediency of having the DUP prop up her government.

“Without action it’s clear hundreds of women and girls as young as 12 who are UK citizens are being forced to travel overseas for healthcare – and many more may be forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy as a result. The government must name the date when parliament can repeal this cruel legislation or else risk making a rape victim having to take them to court to vindicate the basic human rights of Northern Irish women.”

On 6 March the Department of Health and Social Care set up a central booking system so that women in Northern Ireland could call a phone number to make an appointment through BPAS. The figures show that an average of 28 women a day crossed the Irish Sea for an abortion through BPAS between March and May, with more than half drawing income support or having an income of less than £15,276 a year.

In 2017, 919 Northern Irish women travelled to England for an abortion, most using clinics run by BPAS or Marie Stopes.

In June, the supreme court said the abortion law in Northern Ireland was not compatible with the European convention on human rights.


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Bolivia: Educación desmiente supuesta ampliación de descanso pedagógico en el occidente

América del Sur/23.07.18/Fuente:

Ante la noticia falsa que circula en las redes sociales sobre la ampliación del descanso pedagógico, El ministerio de Educación emitió un comunicado para desmentirlo.

El Ministerio de Educación desmintió este domingo, mediante un comunicado, una supuesta ampliación del descanso pedagógico en los departamentos de La Paz, Oruro y Potosí.

«Ante la noticia falsa que circula en las redes sociales sobre la ampliación del descanso pedagógico. El Ministerio de Educación comunica, que NO HABRA AMPLIACION EN LA PAZ, ORURO Y POTOSÍ, las regiones afectadas por la intensa nevada suspenderán clases por emergencia climática», remarca ese comunicado difundido en la cuenta Twitter de esa cartera de Estado.

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España: Educación presenta su proyecto educativo sobre videojuegos


La consejera de Educación, Soledad Monzón, cree que las dudas sobre la entrada de videojuegos deportivos a las aulas se disiparán o, por lo menos, se atenuarán, una vez sus críticos entiendan que la puesta en marcha de una liga de eSports en 20 centros educativos el próximo curso sirve para educar en su uso responsable.

Soledad Monzón presentó ayer el proyecto educativo piloto para fomentar el uso responsable de los videojuegos entre los alumnos, que se basa en una actividad extraescolar que se ofrece dos veces a la semana y durará diez semanas, del 11 de octubre al 15 de diciembre.

La actividad sobre videojuegos deportivos, que se ofertará en centros de Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional de La Graciosa, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma y La Gomera, contempla que un día de la semana los 20 alumnos repartidos en equipos mixtos que participen por centro dediquen una hora a entrenamientos, otra hora a talleres educativos y otra a actividad física.

La Asociación de Pediatría de Atención Primaria de Canarias (APAPCanarias) ha considerado  inapropiado el apoyo del Gobierno a los videojuegos deportivos y partidos como el PP, Podemos y Nueva Canarias han criticado esta iniciativa. Sin embargo, Monzón cree que las críticas que se han vertido tienen que ver con el desconocimiento. «No se trata de una liga escolar pura y dura», sino que detrás de ella hay un proyecto educativo.

En su opinión, demonizar la liga «es eludir la realidad».

Según la Consejería de Educación, en Canarias, el 76% de niños entre 6 y 10 años juegan a videojuegos, el 78% entre 11 y 14 años y 65% entre 15 y 24 años.

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