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Cien instituciones educativas extranjeras buscan estudiantes colombianos

Por primera vez Colombia recibe a más de 100 instituciones educativas extranjeras reunidas en un solo lugar durante el mes de abril, en una nueva edición de Eduexpos.

Se trata de una de las ferias de estudios en el exterior más grandes del mundo que, en 2015, tuvieron 3500 expositores, en más de 100 ferias, en 48 ciudades, 24 países en cinco continentes. Además, el número de estudiantes interesados en estudiar en el exterior que visitaron estas ferias fue de 165.374.

Colombia, en los últimos años ha despertado el interés de las instituciones educativas extranjeras y esto se ve gracias a un mayor aumento de los asistentes, que crece semestre tras semestre. Valela pena mencionar que Eduexpos, durante el primer semestre de 2015, tuvo una asistencia en nuestro país de 13.449, cifra que los organizadores del evento esperan superar ampliamente este primer semestre de 2016.

La gira de esta feria comenzará en la ciudad de Cali, el jueves 7 de abril, de tres de la tarde a ocho de la noche, en el Hotel Intercontinental. La siguiente estación de la feria será en Bogotá los días sábado 9 y domingo 10 de abril, de dos de la tarde a siete de la noche, en el Centro de Convenciones Torre AR.

A la siguiente semana el turno será para Bucaramanga, el martes 12 de abril, en el mismo horario en el Hotel Dann Carlton; mientras que el turno para Medellín será el jueves 14 de abril en el Centro de Eventos El Tesoro, ubicado en la Loma El Tesoro con Transversal Superior Carrera 25A No. 1A Sur – 45.
Asistir a las Eduexpos no tiene costo, todos los interesados en estudiar en el exterior deben registrarse en la página:  El día de la feria, para el ingreso, solo hay que presentar, a través del smartphone o tablet, la invitación que llega al e-mail de registro.

Los asistentes a la feria tendrán la oportunidad de conversar directamente con los directores y representantes de las principales universidades e instituciones educativas del mundo, junto con las agencias de estudios del país. Igualmente, podrán participar de las conferencias que se realizan de manera simultánea a la Eduexpo.


Australia tendrá un pabellón exclusivo en Bogotá y Medellín, con 23 instituciones educativas. Este pabellón estará encabezado por el Australian Trade Commission – Austrade, agencia del gobierno de Australia encargada de la promoción del comercio, la inversión y la educación.

Se destaca además la presencia de cinco universidades consideradas entre las mejores 100 del mundo: la University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, Monash University y University of New South Wales.

En total, la feria reúne a 26 universidades que están entre las mejores 500 del mundo, destacándose la University of Toronto, la mejor de Canadá, y top 19 a nivel mundial. También estará la University of California San Diego, que ocupa el puesto 39 a nivel mundial y la Universidad Bocconi de Milán, Italia, especializada en economía y ciencias sociales, la cual ocupó el séptimo lugar en el Financial Times European Business School ranking de 2015.

Otra alternativa es la Universidad de Ohio, Estados Unidos, que está clasificada por el Center for World University Ranking entre el 2,2% de las instituciones que otorgan títulos con una alta calidad de educación. Esta ofrece más de 250 áreas de estudio de licenciatura, idiomas, cursos cortos y posgrados.

Adicionalmente, estarán otras instituciones de Canadá, Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, España, Italia, Suiza, Suecia, Francia, Irlanda, República Checa, Brasil, México y Argentina, quienes presentarán las mejores ofertas educativas en Cursos de Idiomas, Cursos de Verano, Pregrado, Posgrado, Maestrías, MBA, Estudios Virtuales, además de Programas de Estudio y Trabajo, todo en un mismo lugar.

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Why Are Liberal Commentators Acting as Apologists for Trump’s Racism?

The lynch-mob mentality that permeates Donald Trump’s campaign rallies was made visible once again this month at a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, when Rakeem Jones, a 26-year-old Black protester, was sucker punched by a white Trump supporter. A video of the incident documents how, after Jones was punched, the audience cheered and the police threw Jones to the ground and handcuffed him. John McGraw, the man who admitted on camera that he had punched Jones, was later arrested. When asked why he did it, McGraw, 78, not only admitted to having committed the assault, but said he «liked it, clocking the hell out of that big mouth,» whom he said he thought might be a member of ISIS. He then added, «Yes, he deserved it. We don’t know who he is, but we know he’s not acting like an American … the next time we see him, we might have to kill him.»

For more original Truthout election coverage, check out our election section, «Beyond the Sound Bites: Election 2016.»

Of course, this incident was not out of the ordinary. Trump supporters have a consistent history of attacking those protesting Trump’s policies. When an activist named Mercutio Southall Jr. started shouting «Black Lives Matter!» at a Trump rally in Birmingham, Alabama, on November 21, 2015, some Trump supporters punched and choked him. Dara Lind observes that the Southall Jr. attack «isn’t an isolated incident. Trump supporters have gotten physical with protesters at several other events throughout his candidacy. A protester was dragged out of a Trump rally in Miami. A Trump supporter ripped up a protester’s sign. A Trump bodyguard was filmed sucker-punching a protester outside Trump Tower in early September. And at a rally in DC, photographers captured a Trump supporter pulling a protester’s hair.» Meanwhile, last week, after a March 11 rally was cancelled in Chicago, a number of skirmishes and fistfights broke out between Trump supporters and protesters. Many commentators noted that the rally offered a signpost of the escalating violence that has taken place at Trump’s rallies.

At their core, Trump’s politics and appeal are built around violence.

Trump has repeatedly indicated his support for such actions by saying he «would like to punch a protester in the face» and labeling protesters as «bad Americans.» He also incited this violence through his response to the November incident that occurred in Alabama, when Trump supporters punched and choked Southall Jr., who started shouting «Black Lives Matter!» as Trump started to speak. When asked about the incident, Trump responded in a Fox News interview with the remark: «Maybe he should have been roughed up.»

Such comments make clear that at their core, Trump’s politics and appeal are built around violence. Trump’s encouragement of violence can be seen very starkly in his decision to look into paying for McGraw’s legal fees. In defense of such actions,Trump told «Meet the Press» that McGraw «obviously loves his country,» and that he might «have gotten carried away.» Meanwhile, some Trump supporters havereportedly expressed interest in forming a makeshift militia called the Lion’s Guard to oppose «far-left agitators.»

To read more articles by Henry A. Giroux and other authors in the Public Intellectual Project, click here.

One would think that these incidents would be enough to convince liberals that Trump’s popularity is deeply tied to his open advocacy of racist violence, but a disconcerting number of liberal commentators have sought to downplay Trump’s racist and fascist tendencies.

Liberal Apologists for Trump

Some conservatives, such as Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, predictably downplay the racist and fascist undertones of Trump’s candidacy, arguing that Trump is simply a symptom of massive disillusionment among Americans who are exhibiting a profound disdain, if not hatred, for the political and economic mainstream elites. Disappointingly, however, this argument is also often bolstered by liberals who go too far in their efforts to prove that criticism of Trump’s bigotry and racism cannot fully account for Trump’s political appeal.

For instance, historian Thomas Frank (also a former Wall Street Journal columnist)observes that Trump actually embraces a number of left-leaning liberal positionsthat make him popular with working-class white people with lower education levels. He cites Trump’s criticism of free trade agreements, his call for competitive bidding with the drug industry, his critique of the military-industrial complex and its wasteful spending, and his condemnation of companies that displace American workers by closing factories in the United States and opening them in much poorer countries such as Mexico in order to save on labor costs.

Trump’s appeal to fear, aggression and violence makes people more vulnerable to authoritarianism.

Purveyors of this view present the working class as a noble representative of a legitimate populist backlash against neoliberalism and appear to deem irrelevant the question of whether or not this backlash embraces an American form of fascism. Frank, however, has a long history of ignoring cultural issues, ideologies and values that do not simply mimic the economic system. As Ellen Willis has pointed out in her brilliant critique of Frank’s work, Frank makes the mistake of imagining popular and media culture, or what I call the educative nature of culture and politics, as simply «a pure reflection of the corporate class that produces it.» Hence, the racism, ultra-nationalism, bigotry, religious fundamentalism and other anti-democratic factors get downplayed in Frank’s analysis of Trump’s rise to power.

Journalist John Judis, a senior writer at The National Journal, extends this argument by comparing Trump with Bernie Sanders, claiming that they are both populists and outsiders while suggesting that Trump occupies a legitimate outsider status. Judis argues that Trump raises a number of criticisms regarding domestic policies for which he should be taken seriously by the American people and not simply dismissed as a racist, clown or pompous showman. In a piece for Vox, he writes:

Sanders and Trump differ dramatically on many issues — from immigration to climate change — but both are critical of how wealthy donors and lobbyists dominate the political process, and both favor some form of campaign finance reform. Both decry corporations moving overseas for cheap wages and to avoid American taxes. Both reject trade treaties that favor multinational corporations over workers. And both want government more, rather than less, involved in the economy…. Both men are foes of what they describe as their party’s establishment. And both campaigns are also fundamentally about rejecting the way economic policy has been talked about in American presidential politics for decades.

Some liberals such as scholar and blogger Arthur Goldhammer go so far as to suggest that Trump’s appeal is largely an extension of the «cult of celebrity» and his attentiveness to «a very rational and reasonable set of business practices» and to the anger of a disregarded element of the working class. Goldhammer asserts without irony that Trump «is not an authoritarian but a celebrity,» as if one cancels out the other. While celebrity culture confers authority in a society utterly devoted to consumerism, it also represents less a mode of false identification than a manufactured spectacle that cheapens serious and thoughtful discourse, and puts into play a focus on lifestyles and personalities. This has given rise to mainstream media that devalue politics, treat politicians as celebrities, refuse to give politicians a serious hearing and are unwilling to raise tough questions. This occurs because the media assume that celebrities are incapable of answering difficult questions and that the public is more concerned about their personalities than anything else.

Celebrity culture is not simply a mode of entertainment; it is a form of public pedagogy central to creating a formative culture that views thinking as a nuisance at best or dangerous at worse. Treated seriously, celebrity culture provides the architectural framing for an authoritarian culture by celebrating a deadening form of self-interest, narcissism and civic illiteracy. As the historian of Germany Fritz Sternhas argued, the dark side of celebrity culture can be understood by the fact that it gave rise to Trump and represents the merger of financial power and a culture of thoughtlessness.

Roger Berkowitz, the director of the Hannah Arendt Center, takes Goldhammer’s argument further and claims that Trump is a celebrity who knows how to work the «art of the deal» (a reference to the title of Trump’s well-known neoliberal manifesto). That is, he suggests that Trump’s appeal rests on his role as a celebrity with real business acumen and substance. In particular, Berkowitz argues that Trump’s appeal is due, in part, to his image as a smart and successful businessman who gets things done. Berkowitz goes into overdrive in his claim that Trump is not Hitler, as if that means he is not a demagogue unique to the American context.

The authoritarian tendencies of Trump’s followers cannot be explained through economic analyses alone.

Without irony, Berkowitz goes so far as to write that «it is important to recognize that Trump’s focus on illegal immigrants, protectionism, the wall on the Mexican border, and the terrorist danger posed by Muslims transcends race.» I am assuming Berkowitz means that Trump’s racist ideology, policies and rhetoric can be separated from the hateful policies for which he argues (such as torture, which is a war crime) and the violence he legitimates at his rallies. Indeed, Berkowitz implies that these policies and practices derive not from a fundamentally racist and xenophobic orientation but rather are rooted in Trump’s sound understanding of economic issues related to his business practices.

The sound business practices that Berkowitz finds admirable have a name: neoliberal capitalism. This neoliberal capitalist system has produced an untold degree of human misery, political corruption and inequality throughout the world. It has given us a social and political formation that promotes militarization, attacks the welfare state, aligns itself slavishly with corporate power and corrupts politics. Moreover this system seeks to justify the disproportionate police violence directed toward Black communities by referring to Black people as «criminals» and «thugs.» Proponents of this political and economic system may not constitute a fascist party in the strict sense of the word, but they certainly embrace toxic elements of a new style of American authoritarianism.

In declaring that Trump isn’t being racist and in claiming that the difference between Trump and Sanders is one of attitude and not policy, Berkowitz reveals the extent to which his eagerness to defend neoliberal capitalism requires him to overlook Trump’s racism. Berkowitz even goes so far as to downplay the differences between Trump and Sanders on racism by arguing that they have both «pushed the limits of racial propriety.» This statement whitewashes Trump’s overt racism and appears to suggest that both candidates share similar ideological positions toward people of color and inhabit the same racist landscape, truly a claim that borders on the absurd and represents an intellectual deceit in its claims to legitimate a false equivalency. Of course, if Berkowitz had used the word «racism» instead of «racial propriety,» the latter claim would not make sense given Sanders’ long history of fighting racial injustices.

I strongly doubt that Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, his call to expel 11 million undocumented immigrants, his appeal to white nationalism, his intention to kill terrorists and their families as well, or his support for state-sponsored torture, among other egregious policy practices, constitute simply different attitudes between him and Bernie Sanders.

Trump attempts to generate intolerance out of misfortune while Sanders goes to the political, economic and social roots of the problems that cause it. Trump promotes an intense culture of fear that cannot be excused by appealing to his alleged good business practices or for that matter to his criticism of some of the Republican Party’s more regressive domestic and foreign policy endeavors. On the contrary, Trump’s appeal to fear, aggression and violence makes people, especially those who have been politically victimized, more vulnerable to authoritarianism.

The Downplaying of Trump’s Racism

Berkowitz’s argument is more than apologetic; it is a species of postracial discourse that became commonplace during the Obama years. It is also disingenuous and nonsensical. It is hard to make up such apologetic reasoning at a time in which racist invective and actions are more visible than ever: Police brutality against Black people is widespread; racist comments against Obama proliferate without apology; Black congregants are killed while praying in their church; white supremacists target immigrants, Muslims and Planned Parenthood with repeated acts of violence; and all the while the racially coded prison system is bursting at its seams. We also live at a time when a dangerous resurgence of racism, Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment is on the rise. Against the reality of a society immersed if not saturated in racial violence, Berkowitz’s postracial and market-drenched discourse mimics a naive form of liberalism, if not a species of right-wing ideology too afraid to name itself, and too unwilling to address Trump’s authoritarian and myopic drive for power.

Trump echoes a fascist script that has been updated to address the fears and anxieties of people who feel betrayed by mainstream politics.

Critical race theorist David Theo Goldberg is right in arguing that this line of argument is a form of «postraciality [that] heightens the mode of racial dismissal» and «renders opaque the structures making possible and silently perpetuating racially ordered power and privilege» (see Goldberg’s book Are We All Postracial Yet?). Trump’s followers cannot be defined simply by an anger that is associated with oppressive economic institutions, policies and structures. They are also defined by an anti-democratic politics that embraces the long legacy of racialized human trafficking and enslavement, a hatred of immigrants and an embrace of the ethos of privatization.

The positions that many liberals such as Thomas Frank, Arthur Goldhammer and Roger Berkowitz have taken on Trump often sound like apologies for Trump’s reactionary utterances. Moreover, they tend to downplay his toxic racism, nativism, class bullying, demagogic policies and chilling embrace of violence. In focusing on Trump’s populism alone, these analyses ignore David Neiwert’s insight that Trump’s updated neo-fascist rhetoric is «designed to demonize an entire class of people by reducing them to objects fit only for elimination.»

What is disturbing about accounts that celebrate, however cautiously, Trump’s more liberal tendencies is that, in the words of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, «they give racist contempt the impeccable alibi of ethical and secular legitimacy.» This type of restricted discourse runs the risk of absolving the Republican Party and Trump and his followers of some of their most vile, right-wing, nativist legacies. These liberal cover-ups do more than underplay Trump’s fascist tendencies; they also overlook a moment in which political authoritarianism is on the rise and in which the very fate of humanity and the planet are at risk. As Los Angeles Times reporters Don Lee and Kurtis Lee observe:

If Donald Trump were president, [he would end abortion rights, repeal Obamacare,] put U.S. ground troops in Iraq to fight Islamic extremists, rescind President Obama’s executive orders that protect millions of immigrants from deportation, eliminate American citizenship for U.S.-born children whose parents are in the country illegally and «police» but not necessarily revoke the nuclear pact with Iran. Trump wants to deport all immigrants in the U.S. illegally — an estimated 11 million people — but says he wouldn’t break up families because their families would be deported too. «We’re going to keep the families together … but they have to go,» he said in a wide-ranging interview on NBC’s «Meet the Press.» «We have to make a whole new set of standards. And when people come in, they have to come in legally.» Deportees who qualify could return, he said. Trump would end Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which allows young people brought to the country illegally as children to work and attend college without facing deportation.

Trump’s toxic racism and discourse has been leading to violence for some time. According to an August 2015 article in Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi, when two brothers from South Boston urinated on and severely beat with a metallic pipe a Latino man, «one of the brothers reportedly told police that ‘Donald Trump was right, all of these illegals need to be deported.'»

Taibbi adds:

When reporters confronted Trump, he hadn’t yet heard about the incident. At first, he said, «That would be a shame.» But right after, he went on: «I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate. They love this country. They want this country to be great again. But they are very passionate. I will say that.»

Trump later modified his response, one that both appeared to condone and legitimate the violence done in his name, but the fact remains that he is disseminating hate and creating the conditions for dangerous ideas to mobilize real-life violence in a society seething with a toxic disdain for immigrants. In what can only be interpreted as an openly racist justification for such violence — reminiscent of similar attacks against Jews in Nazi Germany — Trump’s initial response truly reflects the degree to which right-wing extremism has become an acceptable register of US politics.

The authoritarian tendencies of Trump’s followers cannot be explained through economic analyses alone. Denying the importance of racism, xenophobia, corporate-driven public pedagogies and a culture shaped by the financial elite greatly ignores modes of domination that go far beyond economic discontents and are produced and legitimated daily in mainstream cultural apparatuses. As Ellen Willis has pointed out, domination is not simply structural — it takes shape through beliefs, persuasion, rhetoric and the pedagogical dimensions of politics. What Trump has tapped into is not simply economic resentment but also decades of a formative culture that is as divisive as it is anti-democratic. Violence is ubiquitous in US society and has become normalized, furthering a politics of anxiety, uncertainty and bigotry.

Trump has taken advantage of a proliferating culture of fear to create what Susan Sontag has described as a mimicry of fascinating fascism that trades in a carnival of violence and hatred. This spectacle furthers a politics of nihilism and brings many Americans closer to the abyss of proto-fascism. Under such circumstances, it is fair to argue that many of Trump’s supporters have embraced the core elements of totalitarian politics. In this instance, politics has become a staged event, a spectacle that both normalizes violence and makes it a source of pleasure.

Trump echoes a fascist script that has been updated to address the fears and anxieties of people who feel betrayed by mainstream politics and channel their anger toward immigrants, Black people and anyone they deem un-American. Given the way in which racism mixes with the growing fear and anger over economic precariousness of working-class white people in this country, is it any wonder, that Trump presents himself as the strong leader, the mythic strongman offering redemption, revenge and a revitalized white Christian United States? Trump is not only the new face of proto-fascism, but also the logical end result of neoliberal capitalism’s numerous assaults on democracy itself.

May not be reprinted without permission .

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Vive para educar porque mejora la vida de la gente. Igor Ruiz Zelada

La religiosa Micaela Princiotto Scolaro es una siciliana nacida en Messina (Italia) que desde que llegó a Bolivia, en 1989, se conmovió al ver las condiciones de pobreza en que pasaban clases los niños en los barrios alejados de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, por ello decidió de inmediato poner en práctica una de sus pasiones, educar, elaborando el proyecto de la Obra Educativa Josefina Bálsamo, que hoy cuenta con 10 establecimientos en el departamento.

Fundó 16 colegios y una editorial donde se hacen textos para todas las materias. Ha recibido premios del BM y de la CAF por el bachillerato técnico

Con los niños del nivel inicial de la Obra Educativa Josefina Bálsamo, en el barrio Cordecruz

Con los niños del nivel inicial de la Obra Educativa Josefina Bálsamo, en el barrio Cordecruz

Princiotto nació el 17 de noviembre de 1961, se graduó de la secundaria en 1979 y en la Pontificia Universidad Angelicum de Roma obtuvo el doctorado en Letras Antiguas con especialidad en Arqueología Griega; estudios que fueron combinados con ballet clásico, siendo bailarina profesional.

También cursó otro doctorado en Filosofía e Historia con especialidad en Sicología y Filosofía Educativa, porque como confiesa le “apasiona la educación porque mejora la vida de las personas”.

Sus conocimientos de enseñanza los puso en práctica cuando llegó con su congregación Dominicas del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, que fue invitada por el entonces arzobispo auxiliar de la arquidiócesis cruceña, Tito Solari.

Manos a la obra

Al año siguiente de su llegada se abre el colegio Josefina Bálsamo del barrio Cordecruz, que es la central de su obra, y a los pocos meses se inaugura el segundo centro educativo en Los Tusequis, en el norte; luego fueron apareciendo otros establecimientos hasta completar 16 de los cuales solo 10 están ahora en sus manos.

Su congregación volvió a Italia, en 1999, pero la hermana Micaela decidió quedarse en el país con su labor educativa, formando su propia congregación denominada Misioneras de las Bienaventuranzas, que cuenta con 15 miembros y ocho novicias.

Actualmente se forman 8.000 alumnos en los colegios, en inicial, primaria y secundaria. Por su proyecto de bachillerato técnico ha sido galardonada por el Banco Mundial y la Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF).

En la zona del vertedero de Normandía la congregación tiene un proyecto para alimentar a 200 niños que viven en extrema pobreza con sus familias.

En 2012 nace la casa editora Bienaventuranzas para elevar la calidad educativa, la que tiene presencia en los nueve departamentos, habiendo capacitado a 10.000 profesores, 6.000 padres de familia y 5.000 estudiantes. Se producen libros para todas las materias y ha sido la primera editorial en Bolivia en producir textos digitales.

Fuente de la imagen destacada:

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Professor criticises energy solutions: «Finland should rid itself of nuclear power»

Profesor Heikki De Finlandia Critica las Soluciones De Energía

Finlandia/UUSISuomi/marzo de 2016/portal: HelsinkiTimes

Resumen: Finlandia debería desarrollar la autosuficiencia energética y sin energía
nuclear, dice el profesor de Política global Heikki Patomäki. Él piensa
que Finlandia debería participar con más entusiasmo en el desarrollo de
nuevas innovaciones en la producción de energía. Patomäki da dos razones de por qué Finlandia debería aspirar a deshacerse de la energía nuclear: en primer lugar no es la energía renovable, y en
segundo lugar, el almacenamiento de los residuos nucleares radiactivos
plantea un gran problema. En lugar de la energía nuclear, se debe invertir
en energía renovable, que también podría llegar a ser una contribución a la
exportación rentable. «La energía eólica, por ejemplo, es beneficioso tanto para la sociedad
finlandesa y para la futura gestión de la energía. También es un campo en
el que los mercados mundiales se expandirán. Finlandia debería invertir en
ambas tecnologías en desarrollo en el campo, y el espíritu empresarial.»

Finland should develop energy self-sufficiency without nuclear power, says Professor of Global Politics Heikki Patomäki. He thinks that Finland should participate more eagerly in developing new innovations in energy production.

Patomäki gives two reasons for why Finland should aspire to rid itself of nuclear power: firstly it is not renewable energy, and secondly, storing radioactive nuclear waste poses a big problem. Instead of nuclear power, investments should be made in renewable energy, which could also become a profitable export contribution.

«Wind power, for example, is beneficial for both Finnish society and for future energy management. It is also a field where global markets will expand. Finland should invest in both developing technologies in the field, and entrepreneurship.»



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Cross River Union, Board Disagree on Teacher Audit

África/Nigeria/Marzo 2016/Fuente: Vanguard. Autor: Ike Uchechukwu

¿Qué ocurre cuando en una institución educativa se detectan anomalías en los títulos de sus docentes? ¿Qué ocurre cuando ésta cirunstancia es detectada como una anomalía de amplio alcance en un sistema educativo? En Nigeria, se han detectado algunos problemas en los certificaos de docentes e distintas instituciones e, incluso, problemas en las certificaciones que se extienden a la falsificación y forjado  de documentos. El texto que a continuación reproducimos nos relata los hallazgos de una auditoría realizada en Nigeria, y la reacción de los docentes afectados o no, quienes a través de la organización que los representa, manifiestan sentirse humillados y estigmatizados.

The Nigeria Union of Teachers, NUT, in Cross Rivers State and the State Universal Basic Education Board, SUBEB, are at daggers drawn over the latter’s conduct of personnel audit of teachers in the state.

The bickering reached a climax penultimate week when hundreds of NUT members marched through the major streets of Calabar with placards calling for a halt to the exercise citing alleged humiliation and seizure of their certificates by the SUBEB.

Some of the placards read: «NUT rejects the seizure of original certificates of teachers» and «NUT will never defend fake certificates nor ghost workers», among others.

The state NUT Chairman, Mr. Eyo-Nsa Itam had stated during the protest that it was wrong for SUBEB to confiscate the certificates of teachers on the claim that they were not genuine.

NUT decries alleged disgrace meted to members

Itam, who presented their grievances to the Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Mr. John Lebo, decried the alleged humiliation of teachers by the SUBEB screening team in virtually all the local government areas visited and called for the immediate sack of the board and return of the confiscated certificates.

He said: «We are here at the state Assembly because we know that the laws emanate from the House. We also know that every political appointee is screened by the House. We want to find out if the SUBEB chairman was asked to seize the original certificates of teachers.

«If we have teachers with fake certificates, they are on their own, we will not support them. Our grievance is with the humiliation where so many teachers were not screened for flimsy excuses while certificates were seized. NUT as a body has rejected the so-called screening. For there to be screening, all the stakeholders must be carried along.»

Dead teacher allegedly draws salary

But the SUBEB chairman, Dr Stephen Odey, while defending the screening exercise said it was to correct obvious anomalies in the system.

He said there had been allegations of ghost teachers and dead persons still drawing salaries, citing the case of a teacher, who died in 2014 but collected salary up till January 2016.

He said: «They never gave me any opportunity neither did they hear from me, I was shocked to see and read in the media allegations from the NUT of how I collected, seized and confiscated certificates.»

«I can confidently tell you that no teacher or any non-teaching staff has been sacked or indicted, I believe I should put the records straight so that Nigerians will know; those allegations are malicious and baseless I could not have stooped so low to pour water on my fellow colleagues (teachers). It is ridiculous that a man of my calibre could be accused for such, I will resign if anyone can come out to prove it,» he said.

He further told Niger Delta Voice that his report would shock Cross River people when it is made public. «The personnel audit is not to witch-hunt any teacher or identify ghost teachers but to also redeploy teachers who have been wrongly placed. There was a teacher who was employed as a nanny after obtaining her NCE she is still in the same position but we did the right thing, I instantly upgraded the teacher.»

Odey however explained that if any teacher’s certificate is suspected to be fake or forged it was his responsibility and that of the board to do something about it stressing that some of their, NUT, branch leaders were with them during the exercise in the Northern Senatorial district.

House of Assembly intervenes, backs screening exercise

Meanwhile, the State House of Assembly has waded into the matter and directed that the screening exercise be put on hold pending the conclusion of investigations into the rift between the NUT and SUBEB.

The House of Assembly made its position known when the SUBEB chairman, Dr Stephen Odey appeared before a special committee set up by the Speaker, Hon John Lebo after the NUT took their protest to the House of Assembly over the «way and manner » the screening exercise was being conducted.

The Special committee Chairman, Hon Friday Okpeche lauded the effort of SUBEB in trying to rid the system of ghost teachers and other forms of irregularities within the primary school system.

«There is no way the Cross River State House of Assembly will allow this kind of rot in the system to continue, we will give you the needed support to succeed in your mandate,» Okpeche stated.

According to him, SUBEB is a creation of the law of the House of Assembly and as such there was no way they would not give their own the needed support.

While calling on the SUBEB boss to carry out his duty diligently within the provisions of the law, the chairman of the special committee however disclosed that the screening exercise has been put on hold pending the conclusion of investigations into the «rift» between the two bodies.

More revelations

The SUBEB boss, Dr. Odey made further startling revelations before the committee that over 200 teachers had been identified as using forged certificate in the system with only nine local government out of the 18 covered in the exercise while some institutions were yet to reply the letters written by SUBEB.

«We have written to several institutions including Colleges of Education in Akampka and Obudu. For instance, in the Ministry of Education, we forwarded 82 names for the verification of their certificates, 60 of such teachers forged their certificates,» Odey disclosed.

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Atlas de la UNESCO sobre la Desigualdad de Género en la Educación

Los diferentes Estados se han comprometido, al incorporar el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4, a eliminar las brechas de género y a garantizar que todos los niños y niñas estén en la escuela y aprendiendo en 2030. No obstante, a uno de cada ocho niños y niñas de entre 6 y 15 años de edad se le niega una educación básica, y las niñas son las primeras en ser excluidas. Más de 63 millones de niñas están fuera de la escuela, y los datos indican que esta cifra va en aumento.

El eAtlas de la UNESCO sobre la Desigualidad de Género en la Educación presenta una amplia gama de datos desagregados por sexo que han sido producidos por el Instituto de Estadística de la UNESCO (UIS) con respecto a todos los niveles de la educación. El Atlas en línea ha sido actualizado con los datos más recientes, y permite al lector explorar la trayectoria educativa de niñas y niños en más de 200 países y territorios. Los mapas y cuadros pueden ser fácilmente incorporados en sitios web y blogs, y también pueden ser utilizados para evaluar en qué medida las brechas educativas entre los sexos van cambiando.

Se puede aplicar el índice de paridad entre los géneros (IPG) para evaluar mejor el alcance de la desigualdad entre niñas y niños. El IPG se define como el valor correspondiente al sexo femenino dividido por el valor correspondiente al sexo masculino. Un valor de IPG de 1 significa que no hay diferencia entre niños y niñas para un indicador dado. Un IPG menor a 1 señala una diferencia de género a favor de los niños, mientras que valores superiores a 1 señalan lo contrario. La UNESCO considera que un IPG de entre 0,97 y 1,03 refleja la paridad de género.

El UIS recolecta datos por medio de sus estudios anuales y sus asociaciones con organismos como la OCDE y Eurostat. El Instituto es la fuente oficial de datos utilizados para monitorear las metas internacionales de educación y alfabetización.


El Atlas en línea de la UNESCO le permite:

  • Observar ciertos indicadores a nivel mundial, regional o nacional.
  • Observar todos los datos en cuadros y gráficos junto a los mapas.
  • Exportar mapas y datos para usar en presentaciones, imprimir un capítulo, y compartir e incorporar mapas y gráficos en las redes sociales.

Si desea comenzar a utilizar los mapas, escoja una temática en la pestaña de cada sección para leer una reseña y seleccionar un indicador. El casillero de búsqueda también puede ser utilizado para localizar un indicador específico.

En caso de tener preguntas sobre los datos, por favor consulte la pestaña “Metodología” en el pie de página y el Glosario del UIS sobre términos de estadística, además de la sección de preguntas frecuentessobre estadísticas de educación.

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Los teléfonos móviles y los Muppets llevan la enseñanza a los niños de zonas remotas de la India

© Sesame Workshop en Inde. Tous droits réservés

Sashwati Banerjee trata de aprovechar la ampliación de la cobertura de telefonía móvil y televisión en la India para educar a millones de niños de zonas rurales y desfavorecidas. Banerjee, que es Directora Ejecutiva de Sesame Workshop India, [El Taller de Barrio Sésamo], hablará de su labor en calidad de ponente en la Semana de la UNESCO del Aprendizaje con Dispositivos Móviles (MLW, por sus siglas en inglés), la conferencia emblemática de la UNESCO en materia de TIC, que tendrá lugar del 7 al 11 de marzo de 2016 en la Sede de la Organización en París.

La Semana de la UNESCO del Aprendizaje con Dispositivos Móviles, un evento anual de la UNESCO, congrega a expertos del mundo entero para que intercambien información sobre cómo la tecnología móvil potente y de bajo costo puede acelerar el aprendizaje para todos, en especial entre quienes viven en comunidades desfavorecidas.

La misión educativa de la Banerjee consiste en crear programas atractivos y diseñados a medida para educar e informar a los niños, mediante el uso de plataformas de difusión innovadoras, entre otras los teléfonos móviles, los teléfonos inteligentes, las tabletas informáticas y la televisión.

Los títeres preparan a los niños para la escuela y la vida

Galli Galli Sim Sim (el nombre indio de Barrio Sésamo), es una iniciativa multiplataforma que usa a los Muppets para preparar a los niños para la escuela y la vida. Los temas del programa se centran en la alfabetización, la aritmética, la salud y la nutrición.

Banerjee inició la organización, que es una franquicia de la ONG Taller del Barrio Sésamo de Estados Unidos, con el fin de satisfacer la creciente demanda de educación preescolar de calidad.

El proyecto ofrece tres tipos de contenido digital: programas de televisión que pueden verse en teléfonos inteligentes de bajo costo donde hay cobertura, juegos y libros electrónicos en lenguas vernáculas con instrucciones simples para niños que no están acostumbrados a utilizar la tecnología, y contenidos de radio que pueden escucharse en móviles sintonizados con señales de radio en zonas remotas carentes de cobertura.

Los programas de televisión llegan a 30 millones de niños indios cada año, en lengua hindi, gujerati y marathi. En breve se añadirán otras cuatro lenguas para la programación destinada al sur de la India. Los textos impresos están disponibles en nueve idiomas y las aplicaciones para juegos existen en hindi e inglés.

La radio llega a miles de personas en zonas remotas

Las transmisiones radiales en zonas específicas se realizan en colaboración con las radios comunitarias y alcanzan a 1,5 millones de personas, de las cuales unos 200.000 son niños. Por conducto del Proyecto “Todos los niños leen”, del Organismo de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), sus contenidos llegan a 50.000 niños en el Estado de Maharashtra.

Galli Galli Sim Sim se asocia también con guarderías infantiles no lucrativas gestionadas por el gobierno, en las que el 95 por ciento de los niños proceden de familias de bajos ingresos.

La conectividad es un enorme problema. “A menudo trabajamos en zonas donde el único teléfono está en manos del hombre de la casa, que permanece fuera todo el día. Los niños tienen pocas posibilidades en situaciones como esa, por lo que a veces, a través de los fondos asignados a los proyectos, regalamos algunos aparatos, pero son sumamente costosos”, explica la Sra. Banerjee en una entrevista.

“En el decenio de 1960, los padres nunca consideraron que la televisión era un instrumento pedagógico y en ese punto estamos ahora con los teléfonos móviles. Es preciso instruir a los padres acerca de su utilidad. Los retos que afrontamos son una población analfabeta o recién alfabetizada y un ancho de banda lamentable. No se trata siquiera de una diferencia entre población rural y urbana. Es una divisoria entre pobres y ricos”, añadió.

El gobierno debe adoptar el proyecto para ampliarlo

Banerjee tiene las ideas claras en cuanto a la mejor manera de ampliar el proyecto: “Lo que necesitamos es que el gobierno incorpore nuestro proyecto en el nivel de políticas,  especialmente porque el gobierno administra dos grandes empresas que proporcionan servicios de móvil. ¿Por qué no poner a disposición ese ancho de banda para contribuir a la educación de los niños?”

Los eventos internacionales como la Semana de la UNESCO del aprendizaje con dispositivos móviles ofrecen enormes oportunidades.

Banerjee declaró: “Lo más importante de la MLW es que se trata de una conferencia increíblemente centrada y especializada, donde se pueden intercambiar estudios de casos extraordinarios y en la que podemos enterarnos de innovaciones fantásticas. Para mí, constituye una gran experiencia didáctica. Y algo fundamental: congrega a encargados de formular políticas”.

Banerjee participará en la conferencia junto con un invitado especial disfrazado de Chamki, el títere de Barrio Sésamo que representa un modelo de género y de acceso equitativo de las niñas a la escuela.

“Chamki tiene cinco años de edad, es muy divertida y me ayudará a presentar nuestro trabajo”, afirmó.

Esta es la primera entrevista de una serie que se propone destacar a los ponentes de la MLW y sus proyectos innovadores.

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