Namibia: Africa house hopes to ‘Educate a Million to Educate a Billion’

África/Namibia/Abril 2016/Fuente:Namibian/Autor:Hildegard Titus

Resumen: La casa de África (Africa house) es una nueva organización social creada por un grupo de jóvenes creativos e innovadores con la esperanza de hacer una diferencia en África y en el mundo.  El objetivo es crear un espacio en el que, en lugar de esperar ayuda externa, los africanos establecieron su propia organización para hacer frente a los problemas africanos y fomentar la unidad y el panafricanismo que trasciende las fronteras raciales y se centra en la redefinición de lo que significa ser africano, además de inculcar un sentido de orgullo en un mundo que margina, desprecia y subestima la capacidad de los africanos mediante el fomento y la promoción de las artes y la reeducación de los africanos sobre su historia.

Africa House is a new social enterprise created by a group of young creatives and innovators hoping to make a difference in Africa and the world.

Their aim is to create a space where, instead of waiting for outside help, Africans set up their own organisation to deal with African problems and to encourage unity and pan-Africanism which transcends racial boundaries and focuses on redefining what it means to be African.

They also aim to instil a sense of pride in a world that marginalises, belittles and underestimates the capacities of Africans by encouraging and promoting the arts and re-educating Africans about their history.

Africa House hopes to address the struggles and hardships that Africans face on a daily basis.

With education being their main focus, they hope to address the factors that hinder childhood education, be it a lack of resources, learning materials or even harmful practices like child marriages and aim to create awareness campaigns to let their communities know how harmful these practices are.

Amani Exchange is their current flagship campaign, created to help local schools by providing them with the materials that they need, for example textbooks, stationery and other school supplies.

By selling T-shirts designed by local designer Ndapcee Kashunu at N$200 a piece, which can be purchased directly from them, Africa House is hoping to «educate a million to educate a billion».

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