Reino Unido: Refugee girls need education – Malala Yousafzai

Europa/Reino Unido/16 de Septiembre de 2016/Fuente: Eyewitness News

RESUMEN: El Premio Nobel Malala Yousafzai pidió el martes a los líderes mundiales para proporcionar educación a las niñas en los campamentos de refugiados para evitar que sean obligadas a casarse temprano o el trabajo infantil. La declaración de Yousafzai se produce una semana antes de que el presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama acoge la primera cumbre de la ONU sobre los refugiados en Nueva York, donde se espera instar a los líderes a hacer más para ayudar a los refugiados en países como Líbano, Turquía, Jordania y Kenia. «¿Por qué los líderes mundiales pierden el tiempo con este concurso de simpatía, mientras que no están dispuestos a hacer lo único que va a cambiar el futuro de millones de niños?» Yousafzai dijo en un comunicado previo a la cumbre del 20 de septiembre.

Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai on Tuesday called on world leaders to provide education to girls in refugee camps to avoid them being forced into early marriage or child labour.

Yousafzai’s statement comes a week before US President Barack Obama hosts the first UN summit on refugees in New York where he is expected to urge leaders to do more to help refugees in countries like Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan and Kenya.

«Why do world leaders waste our time with this pageant of sympathy while they are unwilling to do the one thing that will change the future for millions of children?» Yousafzai said in a statement ahead of the 20 September summit.

She said refugee girls were wondering how long they can stay out of school before they are forced into early marriages or child labour.

«They’re hoping for more than survival» she said. «And they have the potential to help rebuild safe, peaceful, prosperous countries, but they can’t do this without education.»

Fighting in Syria, Afghanistan, Burundi and South Sudan has contributed to a record number of people who were uprooted last year, according to the UN refugee agency, which estimates there are 21.3 million refugees worldwide, half of them children.

Almost 80 percent of all refugee adolescents are out of school, with girls making up the majority of those excluded from education, according to a report issued by the Malala Fund, which campaigns and fundraises for educational causes.

It also blamed donor countries for failing to provide adequate funding for secondary education, and failing to deliver on funding pledges made earlier this year.

The report also criticised wealthy donor countries for diverting resources away from host countries in developing regions, such as Turkey and Lebanon, to meet their own domestic refugee costs.

The report concluded by urging donors to commit to providing $2.9 billion by September 2019 to the Education Cannot Wait Fund, a new body to raise finance for the education of refugee children.

Yousafzai, 19, rose to international fame after surviving a 2012 assassination attempt by the Taliban in Pakistan’s Swat valley to continue her fight for girls’ rights.

A regular speaker on the global stage, Yousafzai visited refugee camps in Rwanda and Kenya in July to highlight the plight of refugee girls from Burundi and Somalia.

In 2014, Yousafzai became the youngest-ever Nobel Prize winner for her work promoting girls’ education in Pakistan.


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