Students in East Africa to be able to transfer credits if presidents approve proposal

Africa/Diciembre de 2016/Fuente: KDR Tv

RESUMEN: El Dr. Joseph explicó que el ejercicio que se suponía debía hacerse a finales de este año fue pospuesto debido a los principios de la CAO de procedimientos en la toma de decisiones. El consejo de ministros señaló que la presentación inicial de la declaración al consejo no había pasado por la línea del consejo sectorial de educación, ciencia, tecnología, cultura y deportes. Los estudiantes de la región de África Oriental podrán transferir créditos del próximo mes a instituciones de educación superior si los presidentes de los cinco condados aprueban la propuesta.
Los ministros de educación de la región han acordado un proyecto de declaración para la aplicación de un sistema armonizado de educación superior.

Dr Joseph explained that the exercise which was supposed to be done late this year was postponed due to the EAC principles of procedures in decision making. The council of ministers noted that the initial submission of the declaration to the council had not gone through the line sectoral council for education, science, technology, culture and sports.

Students in the East Africa region will from next month be able to transfer credits to higher education institutions if presidents of the five counties approve the proposal.

Ministers for education in the region have agreed on a draft declaration for implementation of a harmonised higher education system.

“It is our anticipation that the forthcoming summit of heads of state will approve the declaration and pronounce the EAC as a common higher education area,” said Inter-University Council for East Africa Chief Principal, Quality Assurance and Qualifications Framework Dr Cosam Chawanga Joseph.

“Harmonisation of education of higher education or education in general is a process not an event that we are aspiring to achieve as a one-off target,” he added.

The framework was developed by the council in consultation with regulators of national higher education, Commission for University Education Kenya included.

Under the common higher education system, the countries in the region will recognise academic certificates from higher education institutions across the region, and students will be able to transfer credits.


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