Islamic University best in Gaza, third in Palestine

Gaza – Palestine/August 01, 2017/Source:

The Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) announced yesterday that it was classed the top higher education institution in the Gaza Strip and the third in Palestine based on Webometrics July 2017 edition, Safa news agency reported.

The IUG said it came in at number 54 among 988 high education institutions in the Arab region which were included in the evaluation.

Chairman of the IUG, Professor Adel Awadallah, hailed the efforts of the university staff who worked hard to maintain these high levels and ensured its continued development.

The university has been subjected to destructive Israeli rocket attacks in 2008 and 2014 and in 2007, the Palestinian Authority (PA) security services affiliated to Fatah President Mahmoud Abbas attacked and burnt its buildings.

Since the start of the Israeli siege 11 years ago, the IUG has suffered from severe shortages of educational equipment and materials.

The Webometrics system is the largest system for evaluating international universities, covering more than 25,000 institutions worldwide. It is published in Spain by the Higher Council for Scientific Research. It is linked to the standard of research and technical files and is updated every six months.


Islamic University best in Gaza, third in Palestine

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